Unexpected Reminders

  • 22 replies
  • 30 subscribers

In the few months since I lost my husband there have been several things that trigger the emotions and tears... I've had to leave our home and now live a 3 hour drive away from the area I spent my wonderful 16 years with him by my side.  

Today, I unexpectedly received a redirected letter for Mark even though I never requested a postal redirection on his name.. A card from our ex council electoral office reminding him to vote and saying his postal vote papers will be sent out soon!! 

You would think that they would have removed his details when I  informed them of his death!  

It really caught me unawares this morning to receive post addressed to him at this address.Cry

I swear the grief gets harder to cope with as time goes on..whoever says time is a healer lied!

  • Lovely words Ian and encouraging too.

    I know how hard it is for us all to think positive thoughts just now but baby steps in everything including letting positivity back in too. Our beloved spouses would want this we know. 

    It’s ok to feel ALL the emotions we feel, upset, anger, pain and deep loss to name a few but bit by bit we have to try (hard as it is) to be hopeful that we’ll mend enough one day to not be in this awful sadness 24/7. 

    peace & strength to all xx 

  • Agree wholeheartedly MyPineapple x