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Grief is weighing heavy on me tonight.   Lonely.  Can’t watch TV programs Lynn and I watched together, so I avoid TV now.  Friends and family do their best bless them but they just can’t fill the void left by the death of my lovely wife.   

  • Oh BootsyD,

    Theres no words so I’m just sending you hugs and strength to get through tomorrow, 



  • And I don’t think you’re the only one who talks to photos- I certainly do

  • Hi Jebel and all.....

    Once again one person shares their thoughts and sadness about what some people may think isn’t an important topic like watching TV but for me and all of you lovely souls that have commented on this thread, this really is a very important thing to us.

    Just like you all now I find it so hard to watch TV and especially the new Hawaii five-0 series, Blue Bloods and NCIS and of course not forgetting Line of Duty that was also one of our faves. Mind you I still need to get my daily fix of ‘A Place in the Sun’ what I’d give for us to be watching these little gems together again.

    I agree with you Jebel, friends and family can’t fill the void left by your lovely wife nor can it fill the void of losing my wife either. But we have a different life now and a sadder one but just having these friends and family showing they do care can help us, even if it is just a little bit. 

    I hope you find peace my friend as I hope we all do, Ian x

  • Morning BootsyD,

    thinking of you today, a year since Colin passed, and can only imagine what you’re going through. Hopefully you will be remembering the good times that you had together and talking to him about them. I do that too! 

    I don’t know about you, but it’s like some of the filters have been stripped away and I’m not bothered what anyone thinks anymore. 
    What are you doing today? It’s a lovely morning here and I’ll probably get out in the garden. 
    Sending strength and thanks that we have been so lucky to have found our soulmates but unlucky to have lost them too soon. 
    Having said that, all the time together in the world wouldn’t have been enough xx

  • Just realised you be enjoying Colin cake and port! Lovely Wine glassCakexx

  • Thank you xx

    The sun is out at the moment after the snow dusting the car and garden this morning in County Durham, still cold though and more flurries forecast for this afternoon.  

    I will take the day as it comes and will no doubt shed some happyish tears here and there with family and friends Revolving hearts if the day goes as well as his birthday day went it will be a nice day xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi BootsyD,

    Thinking of you today as its a very special anniversary and hoping your day is bearable. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Ian xx