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Grief is weighing heavy on me tonight.   Lonely.  Can’t watch TV programs Lynn and I watched together, so I avoid TV now.  Friends and family do their best bless them but they just can’t fill the void left by the death of my lovely wife.   

  • Hi Jebel,

    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I don't watch programmes I used to enjoy watching with my husband  either. In fact don't watch much TV nowadays anyway.

    Not sure I have words of comfort but here to let you know you are not alone. Happy to chat here if you wish?

    Not sure where you live but where I live it was nice sunny day. Spent the day on the garden alone pottering around. Hope you manged to get out today and enjoy the sun, that's if it was sunny around where you are.

    Sending you lots of love,

    Dutsie x

  • It’s so incredibly hard Jebel! 
    We all feel like that. Try try real hard (because it IS) to think what your lovely Lynn would want you to do. It’s a strategy after 5 weeks (today) I’m trying hard to use. 

  • Hi Jebel, 

    nothing can fill the void can it? I’ve just been watching Line of Duty, we used to watch it together and I am able to watch it on my own imagining what Pete would say about it. It gives me something to talk about to others as everyone seems to watch it! 
    There are some programmes that I just can’t watch, New Tricks and Salvage Hunter in particular. 
    Had my dad, eldest daughter and her boyfriend round for lunch. I’m really trying to make an effort to join in. 
    It’s not the life I envisaged but here we are. 
    I miss him so much xx

  • I spent my day painting my fences and crying into the paint!  I don't know whether I feel worse because it's Easter,  a time to spend with loved ones, and the person I want to be with won't ever be here again.

    It has been a hard weekend for me, another first. I miss my husband so much and feel so miserable a lot of the time at the moment.  Like you say Jebel, nothing can fill the void.

    I'm trying to be positive, tomorrow is another day xx

  • Hello all,

    I’ve a list of programmes to avoid too- The Saint, Columbo, The Professionals, anything involving classic motor bikes or cars! 
    But I am watching Line of Duty, knowing that we would have watched it together. 
    But I hate this lonely life- 24 weeks tomorrow and I’m still finding it hard so much of the time. Like all of us on here, it’s not the life I imagined. The gap Chris has left behind is impossible to measure. I am trying to think about the life he would want me to lead but it seems to be out of reach. Knowing that others feel the same does help.

    Sending hugs



  • The Saint, Columbo, The Professionals! Such classics! BlushXx

  • Classics- bit like Chris, to be honest! And I’ve a complete set of The Avengers and The Prisoner on video too! Don’t ask! Xx

  • Grief is heavy on me tonight too Disappointed relieved 364 days ago was the last night we slept and cuddled up together - the 1 year anniversary is tomorrow 5th April.  I have cried off and on all day but feel the only way through is to 'feel/face the fear and do it anyway when watching tv and give Colins picture a commentary of what's going on No mouth   talking as if he's still around Neutral faceit helps me anyway but maybe I'm a bit screwy!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Dave had the black with white piping blazer from the Prisoner!! Blush