Monday blues

  • 35 replies
  • 29 subscribers

So today it’s 23 weeks since I lost Chris, 161 days since the person who’d been there for me since I was 19 left my life. Yes I have 46 years of precious memories but oh how I miss him. He was everything to me, always there showing how much he cared. It hurts so much. I know that during the day, when I can keep myself occupied I probably appear to be coping. But during the evenings and into night, I just feel so very very lost, so sad and so lonely. I know in other posts, I’ve said how anxious I am as the restrictions are lifted. This normal life that everyone talks about won’t be happening for me. In my worst nightmares, I never imagined that I’d be coming out of this Covid situation on my own- I guess I’m not the only one on here in that situation. 
I know that some of you find the weekends the hardest time of the week, and I get that. But for me, I see my eldest son at the weekends- were in a bubble, so it’s bearable. Also as a retired oldie, weekends aren’t quite the same as when I worked. My low point, in case you hadn’t realised, is Monday. The day Chris passed started off so positive but everything changed in a matter of less than two hours. My broken heart is so battered.

I’m so grateful for this site, where people are so willing to share, to support and just be there. Thank you for just understanding and for listening

Take care, stay safe. Sending hugs



  • Hoping your Tuesday blues are less for Wednesday and every other day for you this week Jane.

    Ian x

  • Hi everyone on this thread, I am not sure whether you will get this message. I am writing this with my new laptop and I am not sure how my screenreader will work with the site. But we'll see... I think it is so true that the love we feel for our partners is the reason why our grief is so deep. We can only grieve so much because we have loved so deeply. And that is a great thing, isn't it? that we were able to love so deeply, I mean. I am going to try and send this now. We'll see what happens. Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Nicely said definitely worked, Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Hi all, I do hope that we all at some point in the rest of our life’s we are able to live with the pain and emotions that we are experiencing at this moment in time.   I for one don’t know what to do with my feelings of emptiness.  It’s been 9 weeks now today since I lost my love.  I cry every day with the pain I’m trying hard to keep it in

    my children are still here and they don’t know what we are going through together   They see me trying to cope and get by each day. As you say.  Looking busy hides the sadness.  I just hope that we all can get through this and live life as it was intended.     

    you all take care.  Mark x

  • Hi 

    I am 11 weeks today since Rob died, still struggling, it's so so hard.

    Feel like today is a milestone as he returned home after 12 weeks in hospital, and lived 11 full weeks at home, they told us he had weeks not months to live after finding another tumour, so so pleased to have had them 11 weeks together, but now 11 weeks without him.

    I struggle each day, keeping busy best I can, I am sure people think I am doing fine, but they "don't get it" don't actually think they "get me" like Rob did.

    Sending best wishes and strength to everyone 


    Not sure the message will work, I wrote one last week and it disappeared, left me upset and again why bother, well I have bothered today.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ChilliChilli

    Donna your emotional pain is the same as mine at this moment in time.  As is all of ours on this site I am seeking more help from cruse they are helpful in talking with me about every day experiences that I am struggling with.    The little tiniest thing will set me off on a downer.  I know how your feeling we got to take one day at a time so I’ve been told.  Take care.  Mark 

  • He Donna

    I'm glad you bothered today. Always do. We're all here. Yes we're all feeling shite too but we're united in it at least. 

    I think, those of us on here all had a real love a real soulmate who 'got us' and that's what makes us all feel this grief so deeply. Of course nobody gets you like Rob did that's the point, that's what is so hard to face living without. 

    I'm sure some people do think you are doing 'fine' but those are the lucky ones who have not had to face what we have. I'm being very open with my grief but it's because that's just me and how I am.

    I am finishing up a porch and front garden project because Dave and I started it together. I don't want to, I can't be bothered it's a chore but I have to do it. Now when various people come, gardeners, tree people, builder, tiler... some days someone turns up to give me a quote and I converse they leave and you'd never know what my life is just now. Other times I'm blubbering away while trying to explain what I'd like them to quote me for and they end up leaving knowing I lost my husband 5 weeks ago. I just feel what I feel when I feel it and don't try to pretend, be strong or anything other than what the feelings are. That's not everyones way but if you are afraid to, afraid what others think DON'T your grief is your grief and you are allowed to feel it. 

    On here you KNOW nobody judges. 

    Sending you a big hug xx

  • Hi PA,

    My project, Rob's garden, some days I motivated others why bother.

    Love Donna