Monday blues

  • 35 replies
  • 29 subscribers

So today it’s 23 weeks since I lost Chris, 161 days since the person who’d been there for me since I was 19 left my life. Yes I have 46 years of precious memories but oh how I miss him. He was everything to me, always there showing how much he cared. It hurts so much. I know that during the day, when I can keep myself occupied I probably appear to be coping. But during the evenings and into night, I just feel so very very lost, so sad and so lonely. I know in other posts, I’ve said how anxious I am as the restrictions are lifted. This normal life that everyone talks about won’t be happening for me. In my worst nightmares, I never imagined that I’d be coming out of this Covid situation on my own- I guess I’m not the only one on here in that situation. 
I know that some of you find the weekends the hardest time of the week, and I get that. But for me, I see my eldest son at the weekends- were in a bubble, so it’s bearable. Also as a retired oldie, weekends aren’t quite the same as when I worked. My low point, in case you hadn’t realised, is Monday. The day Chris passed started off so positive but everything changed in a matter of less than two hours. My broken heart is so battered.

I’m so grateful for this site, where people are so willing to share, to support and just be there. Thank you for just understanding and for listening

Take care, stay safe. Sending hugs



  • Hello Jane,

    I do empathise with you. When I’m feeling like you are today (which is quite often), to me It doesn’t make it any easier that I’ve had so many wonderful years with my beautiful wife, I quite simply miss her more than words can say and I know just like me you’ll find it hard to even get through a single minute of the day without them being at the forefront of our minds.

    Life just isn’t the same for us anymore nor will it ever be the same again for the majority of us who have lost our best friends and soulmates, so we can only try and learn to live without them and this is probably the most difficult thing that we will ever have to do, or at least I hope it is.

    I do wish I could fix yours, mine and so many other broken hearts on this site, and I also wish I had some wise words to offer you when we’re having days like you are today, other than to be “kind to yourself” and not to expect too much too soon.

    And what I can also offer you is a “virtual shoulder to cry on” and the thought that you and I and so many of these lovely souls on this site understand exactly how we both feel.

    Take care and I hope we all find peace one day, my thoughts and prayers are with you Ian x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jonta

    Well said, Ian.

    Every day is as bad as the next, really.

    Some of them are not as bad as others, though.

    So it pleases me to think that every day is as good as the next.

    As for broken hearts, I think it may be possible to piece them back together if we are lucky, but they will hold some scars for sure.

    Love and peace  Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jane 

    sending you a virtual hug 

    I meet Keith at 19 xx I don’t find weekends any harder I think maybe because Keith worked shifts our whole life x but also because of treatment being isolating most of last year The opening of lock down fills me with dread but I think because it’s the feeling I must do things or socialise I feel a lot of pressure to get back in the world i think it also brings up a lot of feels about now I am on my own and the places things we loved to do x it’s hard with out your best friend x 

  • Hello Ian, Sue and Sunsarah

    Thank you so much for your kind words, virtual hugs and reassurance that someone out there understands what I’m feeling both now and in respect of lockdown ending. 
    So much of all your responses rings true for me. Thank you for sharing.

    Take care and sending hugs back to you



  • Hi Jane & all on this link. 

    Our pain is so deep. It’s indescribable really. I’m learning more and more on this journey of grieving for my true love, my soulmate that people who haven’t experienced it just simply can’t get it. It’s not their fault and I’m glad they haven’t experienced this, it’s devastating. Wish we all hadn’t. 

    I’m so grateful we can all share on here. 

    Love & strength to all xx

  • Hi Jane & all on this link,

    There is one consolation though through all of this sadness and indescribable pain as you say MP.

    For all of us to feel this much pain for the loss of our soulmates and loved ones, we must have been incredibly blessed to have known what the meaning of true love is, as some people never get to experience this level of pain as they’ve never loved a person as much as we have.

    So I guess what I’m saying is; theres a reason for this indescribable pain and that is, we’ve been blessed to have loved someone during our lifetimes that has meant the world to each and everyone of us, and now we’re missing them so much that it hurts us all to the core and we cry every single day for them as we miss them more than words can say.

    I just hope I can remember this the next time I’m feeling cr*p and missing my wife more than words can say!

    I really hope we all find peace, Ian x

  • You’re so right Ian. And we on here will help you remember your own wise words whenever you need us too. 

    Peace would be lovely. Wishing strength for us all to find it. 

  • Wise words indeed, Ian. And I’ll try to remember them too. Thank you for sharing, I needed that today....suffering from Tuesday blues as well this week.

