Message from MyPineapple

  • 45 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hello Everyone

I wanted to message all those who have replied to any of my posts so far as a sort of ‘group’ but this site doesn’t seem to have that option so I just addressed a new thread to hope this reaches you all.

That does not mean it is ONLY for that group it’s everyone so if you’ve never heard of MyPineapple and you’re reading this for the first time...Hello, happy to know you!

Firstly, like all people who join this site we get told not to use our names, or anything that might be like our names!! Flushed odd but we comply. That’s why I’m “MyPineapple”

Despite its oddness it does mean a lot to me. The first picture of Dave I saw when I walked into my sisters after she collected me from the hospice after he died was his cheeky face wearing a wee-willy winky night cap encased in a gold Pineapple frame!!! So so apt! So David. Dave loved his smart suits for work and looked a million dollars in them but this Pineapple picture captures the true Dave!!! So cheeky and full of laughter.

He loved buying daft silly gifts at Christmas and would come home with his bounty going through the stuff he’d bought... a Nuns calendar for my sister, a fox in a glass box for my Mum Flushedthis Pineapple frame for my niece! However I said “you know Dave, I actually like that frame!” ...”oh” he said... “I’ll have to do something about that!” hence adding the pic of himself!! Joy

I brought that frame home with me and was staring at it as I logged onto here for the first time.

So that’s what’s behind my user name and I like it but I also love, has someone just said, how we all seem to be signing off with our real names more now so...

Hi, I’m Allison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    P.S. He also acquired pneumonia while in hospital. They still refused him a respirator ("end of life") but he battled with that and won all on his own. His reward was to be taken out of his room and put onto the general ward.x

  • You rant wherever you like, whenever you like. We are all here!! 

    That’s a lot to take in for you. There are a lot of similar situations due to covid and it’s so hard to wrap your head around. Cancer didn’t stop raging through people when covid hit but because you can’t ‘catch’ cancer sat next to someone on a bus all common sense went out the window! 

  • Yes, feel free to rant on here. Covid has caused so many additional problems and situations to those who weren’t actually suffering from it. In my case, it meant that I spent less than eight hours with Chris in his last ten days and I wasn’t there at the end. We did speak on the phone several times a day but as one of his symptoms was a loss of his voice, he had thyroid cancer, that was far from ideal. And to be honest he never liked talking on the phone at the best of times! 
    Take care, sending hugs



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    Thanks MP xx I know it doesn't really matter how he died, in many ways, because the outcome is the same - he's not here. I have a little laugh at myself sometimes when I am thinking in strange ways about how we are suffering because of  the effects of cancer on our loved ones, not covid and then realise that the suffering is the same no matter what caused the death. I swear, sometimes I stupidly feel jealous of those who died of cv19 because they "count" even if it's one of the statistics we see every night. Then of course, I feel incredibly selfish. Andy would have laughed at me too, and would have pointed out that he wasn't in any kind of competition Slight smile xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Oh Jane, I feel for you xx At least I was with Andy for the last 4 days, and the first one of them was incredibly good. At least he could hear you sometimes, and hopefully he understood. Poor Andy had no idea why no-one was visiting and until I got him home thought I had abandoned him. He couldn't operate his phone, and then when I phoned the nurses station in the hospital to go to his bed and pick up his phone for him, he mostly couldn't hear me anyway, and when he could say anything just kept asking me to come and get him, it was heartbreaking. Look after yourself, Jane - there is a lot ahead, and it may not all be bad xxx Sue