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I lost my husband six days ago on 28th February. 
Dave and I met late in life (early 40’s) and we were together for 7 wonderful years. He was my soulmate. I felt like we’d been together 20+ years! I have no idea how I’m going to go on without him. He made me laugh every single day. 

In 2018 he was diagnosed with a low grade cancer in his left kidney. The kidney was removed and the following year his CT scan clear. Then he had a scan Dec 2020 and on Jan 6th we were told he had a small lesion in his tummy and a couple in his liver. Literally a week later a positive covid test!! 

From there he was sick at home with -we assumed covid- but could have all mainly been the cancer. Five hours in an A&E but not admitted. An ambulance call to the home when oxygen dropped, again not admitted. Then finally on 9th February he was taken into hospital and was there till discharge on Saturday 20th. Of course I couldn’t see him in all that time. 

On discharge we were told it was all now down to the cancer on the liver. I brought him home. He declined very very quickly and on 25th February we managed (by the help of a wonderful MacMillan nurse who helped me jump through the many covid rules) we were married at home in our bedroom with my sister and Dave’s son as witnesses. It was important to us to be married. After that he let go and that was the last day he knew where he was as the liver cancer affects your faculties and he was extremely confused. 
On Sunday 28th February I travelled with him in an ambulance to St Ann’s Hospice where he died later that afternoon. 

I have since been arranging his funeral which will be a week from today on 12th March. 

I am devastated and sad beyond anything I could ever imagine. I loved him so very much I can hardly breathe. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi pineapple 

    sending you the biggest virtual hug xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi MyPineapple,

    I have no idea if this is of interest to you but there is an organisation called WAY (widowed and Young). Anyone who has been widowed under the age of 51 is eligible to join and they are a very supportive group. There is a lot of online activity and they also have their own Facebook group. They also currently arrange a lot of online zoom chats and activities and physical meet ups when allowed. I joined in January and find it an invaluable resource. On particularly bad days they help keep me going.

    Just one step at a time and just try and deal with the present day, don’t look ahead as it can be far too painful and overwhelming xx

  • Thank you x one back to you xx

  • Thank you, yes that is of interest I will look at that. Much appreciated. 
    I’ve just spent my evening picking out photos of Dave for the order of service at his funeral Friday. So very hard to do. 
    Dave’s son came by today with his uncle and took all Dave’s computer gaming stuff from our living room. That’s fine, he will use them I won’t but broke my heart because since Dave moved in I’ve complained about all his computer stuff being in the living room (hence we had plans to extend) and now today that corner looks more like a living room again and I hate it! I’d give anything for him to be there gaming and me moaning that he’s ignoring me!!
    However I didn’t allow myself to dwell as I know my sister would say I’ve enough heartache without doing that to myself and I know Dave would say that too! It’s just hard! 

    Thank you again xx

  • Dear Sarah2nd

    This sounds so similar to what happened to my husband. He had just turned 51. He had been having low grade fever and pain on the side. Similar diagnosis and within 2 months it was all over. I too keep questioning if this is all real. We had just completed our 20th wedding anniversary. 
    I too feel tremendous anxiety about the future. I have to find a job and put my daughter through high school and then university. 
    somedays I feel like I will wake up and it will all have been a nightmare and we’ll be together again.

    Hope we can all find some reprieve from the pain and loneliness.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    That’s good to hear the good memories come back. X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    Oh Sarah,

    I'm so glad to read your comments about not being able to remember good times for 9 months. 

    I wondered what was wrong with me. . .thank you for giving me some hope - it's such a relief to read your post.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just read my post - a little awkwardly written but I hope it makes sense. Your post has helped me a great deal.