• 37 replies
  • 30 subscribers

DEAR ALL,  Where has the soul gone out of our site?  There was a time when many of our  threads went on almost forever Smiley So many people contributing. It was so inspiring.  Now all  I see  is  loads of folk reading  messages but for reasons of their own they just  keep  themselves to themselves?   Very few responses,  maybe 14 or so at the best of times.  Believe me I'm not judging anybody I just wonder why things have changed? At the current time time - and speaking personally - I'm communicating in a far more meaningful and understanding way from a few bereaved people on Facebook Messenger. Maybe its me being a man? Maybe you girls click better on bereavement. Anyway I wish everybody well. I'll pop in occasionally as any individual posts seem appropriate. Love you all xxx.  

  • FormerMember

    Geoff, this is so typical! Just as I return to the site, you leave! I think people went in droves when the Mods turned up. It got to be so annoying when you typed a word deemed inappropriate and the bloomin' pop up message came up asking if you needed help. We all need help, what an inane question! Anyway, I also had a portal bought for me and mostly communicate on that and my phone. Interesting that you think women click better on bereavement, you funny old chauvinist Slight smile(Yeah, I know, I lived through those times too!) Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi All

    Am I pleased to have found this  page I did wonder where everyone had gone I was so worried I had lost touch with familiar names hey Bramblejoo we have been on this parallel journey together since ‘supporting someone with incurable cancer’ and I would of hated to loose touch and also Nickiesmum And other familiar names as we support and understand our journey together. I am so absolutely useless when it comes to technology and using my iPhone to navigate sites I normally ask my sons to help but I’m a bit weird about nobody else but us having access to this as it’s MY sanctuary.. I know it does sound weird!! It is our Wedding Anniversary today 27years I woke up so early reminiscing about this time last year, still not quite ready to do complete nostalgia still a bit bitter I suppose! I love that we are using first names it makes it feel so more personal which it should as we are sharing something so special together, so my name is Leigh and I hope to keep posting as long as I don’t lose the page Joy xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Leigh, Happy Anniversary xx I've had several "Firsts" already even though the first anniversary of Andy's death is not yet here. Birthdays, Christmas, Wedding Anniversary etc. I was always hopeless at remembering our Wedding Anniversary when Andy was alive, it was a standing joke. To be honest, Leigh - sometimes it's not losing the page that gets me, it's losing the plot! Slight smile xxx

  • Thinking of you on your anniversary x Like DorothyOz I’ve had most of the firsts except Pete’s death which is 19th April. 
    I put out the last Valentine card and anniversary cards but will not be putting up the sympathy cards! 
    I don’t share stuff on here either, i don’t think those who’ve not been through it would understand. 
    Amanda xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sausagedog1

    Hi Amanda, the Anniversary of Andy's death is 1st April. My daughter wants to come and spend the day with me. Although I was not planning for this and don't really want it, I am going with it, because she misses him so much, too.

    Andy always made me little works of art as cards, so they are around all year. 

    I share on here more than anywhere else, but some things are just between me and him, and always will be.

    Keep on keeping on, Amanda.

    Sue xxx

  • Thinking of you today, Leigh and sending hugs. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Ahh thanks everyone means a lot coming from the heart of people that understand

    Love & hugs

    Leigh xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hope you’re having a bearable day Leigh, all these anniversaries are never easy are they? 
    Thinking of you and I shall toast to all our lost loved ones later when I crack open a bottle of wine.

    Julie xx

  • Hi Geoff999 it will be 3 years on April 29 that my husband Robert passed and I must admit it does seem like yesterday as every one else has said probably will for ever say! I have been trying to move on. I have moved house, could not stay in our home everything started and ended with cancer. My children think I have dealt with everything and have come through all this what ever this is but I don’t think I ever will. My life has moved on but I haven’t ! I don’t think unless you have to go through this that you can explain how it feels.I know that yes we live and we die but I didn’t see this life coming! Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to robmar

    Hi Robmar xx  I have accepted the fact I will never get over it, and now embrace that thought.  If I get over Andy's death, it would be like getting over Andy. I will never "get over" the most fantastic part of my life. I am surviving and living without him. You don't have to explain how it feels, and that's why this space is good for us, we "get" every part of it and know that words will never be enough. My love to you xx