Can't sleep

  • 57 replies
  • 31 subscribers

I lost my husband yesterday. He was just 46 and up until 8 weeks ago was feeling ok, we were hiking and doing all our normal daily life stuff. He thought he had a bit of acid reflux and bloating and was taking gaviscon and changed up his diet. Few weeks later we went to the doctor, as he really wasn't feeling great and he told her he felt a strange sensation when swallowing, like food got stuck a little. She set up an urgent endoscopy for a few days later where they found a lump in his oesophagus, took a biopsy and arranged a ct scan. 4 weeks ago today he was diagnosed with advanced oesophagus cancer which had spread throughout his abdominal cavity, too late for any treatment and that he had months to live. He wasn't bloated, it was ascites, they drained 4.5 litres the first time and 6.5 the second. 2 and a half weeks after diagnosis and we were in a hospice and now he's gone.

He's gone. 

I'm not handling this very well. I can't bring myself to close my eyes. I just see his wee face at the end, the cancer just ripped through him. He was strong and healthy and in a matter of weeks was so thin, jaundiced and it's just unbearable.

I stayed in the hospice with him and never left his side. He woke on the second morning in there and looked at me smiling, asking if we'd made it through, I thought he meant the night, but he thought the doctors had fixed him and that he was better and could go home. 

My beautiful man is just gone and I'm so empty. 

I don't know what I'm going to do. He was my family, my love, my best friend. 

I've arranged the funeral and sorted out his outfit. I'm going to go see him in the chapel of rest today. His family are religious, we weren't, but he told his mam that she could do "her thing" and I don't mind, I want everyone to be able to say goodbye in their own way. 

I'm sure it might be a normal reaction, but I feel like I don't want to be here anymore. My life as I know it is over. I loved our life together, I loved everything about it. I can't see how this will ever not be horrendously painful and crushing.

  • The images will fade over time I found for me doing the official things kept me busy till I was ready to go back to work I hope you have got people around you to help you through the worst times if not we are all here as you go through the different stages of grieving guilt anger sadness ect we have all been through it and are good listeners xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah 21

    I am so sorry. It's truly just devastating. Know that I'm thinking of you at this time. I'm really finding great strength from the amazing people on this forum. Just knowing that there are other people here who know your pain and that how we're feeling now is just how we are feeling. I've been talking about Martin all day, it's brought me such joy to hear people's memories of him. Some I've heard, some are new. The funeral director set up a "muchloved" page as a tribute and it's given me a chance to go through the thousands of photos I have of him.

    During the day, when I can keep busy, I have waves of overwhelming emotion. Night time is really hard, my mind races and I can't get to sleep. We always fell asleep cuddled up together, so it's so strange not having him next to me.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    Thank you for replying. I didn't initially think this would help, but it really does. So thank you.

  • Hi  My D is my Sanity

    I am so sorry for your loss, and so recent, there are no words at the moment that will help, though i had to reply to let you know you are not alone and every one is this group now exactly how you are feeling and the emotions that rear their ugly head. 

    There is always some one here to listen  to what ever you want to say and some one will have gone threw the same.

    Every thing will be on hold to after the Holiday, do not think your post has not been a waste of time, hence the reply.

    I have been coming here for 14months so far and would not have got this far, if it was not for the people here to help, support and listen to everything that i wanted to shout about, please use the group

      Take Care Elliex

  • I agree with you all, unless you have been through this you cannot really imagine what torture it is to go through it.

    I find the hardest time of day is the morning, when I've been on my own all night and then nobody to wake up to in the morning. Today I ended up rolled up in a ball on the floor howling, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    Taking my dog for long walks helps and he now sleeps on my husband's pillow which is a comfort for me.

    I am so grateful for the support on the forum from like minded people, talking is the only way I can see to get through this. Xx

  • FormerMember

    Absolutely ... I too recognise your grief.  Big love =big grief. My H died 8 1/2 months ago: 5 mon5s after first x ray.  The shock of such a speedy end  is very difficult..  I think I was still trying to come to terms with him being ill, never mind dead.  I hope that the visit in the chapel of rest was helpful. It isn’t easy to do though, is it. I never thought I would go, but luckily I had a very very kind undertaker who was supportive. Big e-hug. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thinking of you all. Today is gonna be tough so hang in in there.

    20 years ago today my gorgeous hubby asked me to marry him. Can’t believe he’s gone but desperately trying to cling on to the happy times. I will be with our baby grandest today so hold that will help me smile in between the tears x

  • My heart goes out to you all, today will be so difficult  but it is only one day and we will get through it.

    I am so glad I posted yesterday, I didn't really know what to expect, whether anybody would reply. But I am finding it so helpful knowing there are people supporting each other through horrendous times. I think I thought that nobody else could feel as bad as I do or know what I'm going through.

    Thinking of you all today and sending huge e-hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah 21

    Hi all 

    sorry for you losses my wife passed nearly a year ago same sort of symptoms bad back for a month or two lost weight the acid reflux went in to hospital Christmas Eve passed 3jan had cancer in 7places 

    but come on here and vent you anger do not punish yourselfs  I did  and feeling guilty is the other thing 

    Make sure you try to eat  something and try to sleep try night all tablets I used them for bit it’s a long journey make sure you ask your g p for help not like me leave it for 11 months 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Martin, I slept okay for first few days oddly but now not so great. GP calling me in next week or so, so I might mention to him and perhaps get something to help
