The group I never wanted to join...

  • 21 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all, 

Well firstly I confess I have been reading quite a few of your posts recently in this group so I apologise. I did this as my hubby has been so poorly and I was desperate for inspiration to find some way of deal with what I knew was to come. Now my story...

My gorgeous strong lovely hubby and best friend passed away this morning. He was 52. He was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer xmas Eve last year and prognosis was never good. But he was a strong man and managed almost a whole year before finally losing his battle.

He deteriorated a lot this past couple of weeks and although we always wanted him at home he went to hospital yesterday to have a drain fitted with an overnight stay to keep an eye on him as they knew how frail he was. He got through the night but passed this morning peacefully with no fuss and just the nurses caring for him. Not me and his lovely kids crying at his side and having to deal with strangers coming and taking him from our home. 

I feel numb right now. I knew this was coming and saw how poorly he had got but you’re never really prepared are you? I have no ideal how I will do this but need to find some strength.

So I wanted to share this with those who understand and thank you for reading. I already miss my soul mate and best friend x

  • I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I lost my husband last Christmas but I have tried to make it a new Christmas this year. I know your Christmas be will be hard this year and next. Sending you a huge hug

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Thanks Alison,

    Ihave seen your other posts and see that you are a truly strong and positive person. I am grateful that so many of you have come to my aid.

    Last Christmas was awful for us also as  we got the news Christmas Eve that his cancer was incurable. So lots of tears were shed. We had hoped that this one might be better but sadly there will be tears again. But I shall do my best to try and have a few smiles as we now have a new grandson. I just so wish Clive could have enjoyed his first Christmas with me. 


  • Ah bless you.

    A new grandson will be a blessing. Lots of baby cuddles are so comforting. I am sure that Clive is watching over you all  if you can manage even one smile amongst the tears, I am sure it wil give you hope and positivity. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had my husband’s wedding ring made into two smaller rings for myself and my daughter - we both wear them every day - they match the different designs of each of our wedding rings and we wear them every day - I’ve never taken my actual wedding ring off since 1986 and my husband died in August 2019 - don’t intend to stop wearing it x

  • I have worn Colins wedding ring under mine for the last 36 weeks + 1 day so far and will for as long as I possibly can Heartpulse I also wear his aftershave and 1 of his watches every day too, not only to feel him with me but because the face is easier to see SmileWatch

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    I might try the aftershave thing. My hubby had about 27 watches (he loved them) but sadly I can’t wear any, he was a big chap (6’ 4”) and all his watches are massive! I intend to wear his ring (once resized) forever.


  • I like to use Neil's shower gel as bubble bath and I spay his deodorant on my pillow every night I know it was designed for 16 year olds but he always liked Linx Africa so the smell just makes me think of him 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    Oh wow I have a can of that in the bathroom, exactly what my hubby liked. Also a can of lynx dark temptation. Can’t bring myself to move them so I may spray some in his pillow before bed. Brilliant idea. 
    Struggling today, I guess I still can’t get my head around him being gone and just keep asking myself how he could get so sick. But that is a rabbit hole I know I shouldn’t go down or I’ll go mad. I can’t change what’s happened so need to learn how to get through this.

  • FormerMember

    Hello my darling husband passed away on 12th December we knew it would come but nothing prepares you for the pain and constant ache you feel. He was such a lovely man and so brave thinking of me even a few days before he passed. He was only 64 we had so many plans for his retirement it is all so unfair isn’t it? My two daughters have been amazing but they have to grieve aswell. I just long so much to hold him the pain is unbearable. 

  • Dollytot,

    So sorry to hear of your recent loss... Everyone in this group can sadly understand how you are feeling. None of us have a magic wand to make things better but we are here for you. 

    Take time to grieve however you need to and dont feel pressured. Just take things a day at a time and let your daughters help you, yes they need to grieve as well but by helping you they are probably getting some comfort.

    It is 12 weeks since my husband passed away...I long to hold him, to hear his voice ♡

    Sending you a big {{Hug}}
