Deserted by so called friends

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I lost Richard in July 2013 aged just 59yrs & after just 3 months of being sick , as if that wasn’t bad enough over the years I have found that all but one of (our) friends some since we were married & that was 34 yrs have just ceased to think I exist anymore , has anyone else found this ? Why just because we aren’t a couple do friends just abandon me ?  We had friends for over 30 yrs that we would have dinner parties with social evenings & lots more , I can count  on one hand how many times they have contacted me to see if I was ok or needed anything .
 I have a neighbour  who was good friends with us both but now if I ask for help with anything ( sometimes I need a mans help with things ) all I get is excuses as to why he can’t help , I’m 66 now & a pensioner & some things I need a mans help with now that Idon’t have a husband I depend on those around me . 
I may be having a moan but I just feel abandoned by all our so called friends now I am one & not two 

  • Because your 'young adults' still live at home they are used to having you there and even though they do their own thing you are 'always there' with a full fridge and clean clothes!! They won't realise until they're older how you have had to cope with being alone when they never have. On the other hand they also see things we don't.  

    I am a step mother of just over 20 years to Colins 4 lads- they've all moved out but  I know they would come back here if the shit hit the fan in their lives (temporarily I might add) they are just protective of you Alison as we are Heart eyes xx

    Tomorrow is another day