New lockdown

  • 33 replies
  • 25 subscribers

To all those "bereavers" out there facing another lockdown. I offer my thoughts and best wishes to you all, I hope we say goodbye to 2020 facing a brighter and more positive future and as what I consider to be a friends group here I hope you all find 2021 a year of rebuilding and find yourselves much further along the recovery road.

  • Colin and I both used that expression a lot! it's a case of keeping your standards up and your own self-respect. Neither of us would sit around in pyjamas all day, Colin spent 1 in jama shorts and T shirt and that was his last day 31 weeks ago!   I'm glad you held back from replying, I kept putting some positive pictures on to push this post up and that 1 down!! 

    I'll be off up to the cemetery soon to clear the leaves from Colins grave, as I do everyday, He'd hate to think his bed was untidy Bed Slight smile xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • You are inspiration too Bootsy


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    OK big question here, bearing in mind LizzyK is within clip round MCCs ear proximity...

    What is it with strictly? I don't get it at all..


  • I personally can take it or leave it Mccmcc!!! 

    Alison xxx

  • Watching Strictly is all about seeing an improvement in the ability to do proper dancing and not the squaddie stomp!!! I'm not bad at the macarena or the time warp Dancer I do now struggle with getting on the floor for 'oops upside your head I said oopps upside your head' Notesthe struggle to get up again  Joy

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    I move like no one else, I got the swagger and can bust a few moves, throw a few shapes with the best of them...but so called celebs waddling round a dance floor....

    ,ThinkingSweat smileSmileGrinSmileGrin

  • JoyJoyJoyJoythen your hip goes out  JoyJoyMan dancingMan dancingHugging

    Tomorrow is another day
  • No Bootsy the dodgy hips are mine!!! 

    I can manage to get on the floor for oops upside your head but getting up again is another matter!!! Joy

  • We'll just have to be the 'cool' ones who groove stood up Dancerxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    My hips dont lie, nor do my legs, back, pelvis, feet.... they tell me I'm old and past it...

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