New lockdown

  • 33 replies
  • 29 subscribers

To all those "bereavers" out there facing another lockdown. I offer my thoughts and best wishes to you all, I hope we say goodbye to 2020 facing a brighter and more positive future and as what I consider to be a friends group here I hope you all find 2021 a year of rebuilding and find yourselves much further along the recovery road.

  • I've quite a busy day so haven't had any time till now to reply and am doing so during Strictly so feel very honoured!!.

    We are are all bereavers(copyright to mccmcc) and I was so glad this post started as the previous leading post was dragging me down  - there I've said it!! Maybe there should be a separate area for  that sort of thing elsewhere??

    I've never liked confrontation and that thread made me feel uncomfortable.  I needed this one to pick me up Heart eyes Thank you!! Strongbow and Chardonnay were involved BeerChampagne glassx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi BootsyD

    I’m also watching Strictly with a fruit cider!

    Just wanted to say that there is an area where you can rant and rage, it’s called The Room and if you scroll down groups you can find it.

    Loved your uplifting posts

    Thank you x 

  • Have you seen Wild Bill Bailey yet?  Loved Ranvir Heart eyesand Jamie DancerMan dancingtbf they're all good Colin and I went to salsa classes for a few weeks and were ok till we tried to dance together then we were sh1te Joy #happydays xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I love Bill Bailey! Who would have thought he could dance like that? Pete and I also tried salsa dancing but he didn’t like dancing with any one else. There were lots of women and a shortage of men,Dancer think he felt a bit intimidated! Must admit we weren’t that great either DancerMan dancingGood times xx

  • Lol!!! Bill is really good!! I've never found him funny but haven't seen much of him to be fair. He is the strictly dark horse I might put a fiver on him for the final MoneybagPound lol!! X

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Absolutely right! 

    The 2020 road has been bumpy to say the least... onwards and upwards I hope for us all.

    And Bill Bailey should win Grinning

  • Hi Bootsy,

    I too feel uncomfortable with that post. I am positive and although at times difficult, I certainly have things toove forward for and live for and will not fell bad for that. We are lucky to still be here and although we all miss and love our lived ones, I know that Ric would not want me to give up.

    Love Alison xxx

  • You're not allowed to give up, this group forbids it!!!!!

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • I tried so hard not to read the posts and was wishing other members not to respond, it only adds fuel to someone elses fire! I wonder if the community police were observing the way it was going? 

    Get up - Dress up and never Give up Heart eyes 

    Lotsalove xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Now Bootsy I posted that quote on FB yesterday. I was quite angry and wanted to respond but decided wallow in your own self pity then because of the rest of are just soldiering on with each others support. I feel I have lots of friends here.

    I do wonder why the post was not deleted!!! I found it offensive at times which is not like me! 

    Never give up I agree Mccmcc. A tiny blip only is allowed for me. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone. I am just clearing the last of the leaves and if that isn't a battle!!! Lol

    Love and hugs Alison XXX