Just need a hug. Feeling lonely

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  • 28 subscribers


I have been doing really well. Moving forward. Today I have hit a brick wall.

Full of tears again.  It is a year ago since we got diagnosis. He was supposed to be here still for a year or two but only 3 months max. I am starting to think was there anything else I should have done again. It is stressing me and my asthma has exacerbated. I am coughing so much. I can't get on top of it even with oral steroids. I phoned the GP yesterday as work was worried. I can't be coughing all the time. Now I have to stay off and have a covid test. The Dr was on about hospital. Absolutely no chance as I have no trust in them after all the mistakes with Ric. I am pretty sure it is only my asthma and I am not I'll just coughing.

To cap it all, my unfortunate mistake is starting to send out mixed messages to me! One minute he wants my friendship, then a relationship and then nothing. He unfriended me last night on FB and to be honest that was fine. He has another jealous woman on the go and I don't need it but this morning I get a private message implying friendship again. I just said what is this all about? I don't need this. 

I just want a big hug from someone who cares and lives me and now I am isolated and waiting to hear about a covid test. I need to work and be busy. I have little to do at home except think! Which I Confusedn't want to do at the moment. I just wish it would all get better and go back to normal I saw s memory on FB of a holiday a few years ago this morning and find myself wishing I could go back! The moConfused I stress, the more I cough!!!  ConfusedCry

  • Martin you must never give up. I sometimed purposely go to.the shop and dawdle for something to do. But not the same in a mask! 

    Mind you met idiot in Tesco after several years so not s good idea!!! Lol

    Enjoy your day even if you burn out!!


  • Oh Akela - feeling for you at the moment - so much turbulence around you. Really hoping you can take one breath at a time and one hour at a time and hold on tight Such difficult news on the young girl - so sad. Take it steady and I offer one of my Mantras - from the wise old sage Terry Wogan: Love Many, Trust a few and always paddle your own canoe.  May not be of any use or sense but sometimes reminds myself to try and steady myself when everything else seems to be going out of control. 

    Bootsy - loved that picture. and Martin wondering what you are cooking next. 

  • Hi Nelliej

    My grandad always said you can only trust yourself. A lot of truth in that.

    Yes it is horrible what has happened to Hannah's friend but I guess it puts my problems into perspective. So sad she was do desperate and no-one knew. A total waste.

    Thankfully I am hoping idiot guy has got the message. He has gone quiet!!! 

    I will find another lockdown pretty damn hard and can't really see it will achieve anything!!! The first hasn't! 

    Hope you are ok.

    Love and hugs xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    forget about the idiot he just wanted to make the other one jealous may be she will see his true colours and kick him in to touch too 

    you are going to your dads tomorrow something to look forward too are kids going with you 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Hi Allison

    All good here Lizzy has locked herself out of MacMillan again (Don't ask me!!) 

    Things going very well with us!

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Hi Mccmcc

    Well say hi to Lizzy. I am so pleased you have hit it off so well. It is lovely and refreshing to hear of this working out. I am thrilled for you both.

    I am back to my positive self. Not too keen on a lockdown. It is not the best time for me but I guess I can do nothing much about it. 

    But I will be a rebel if they bugger about too long! Lol

    Take care of you both

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison, I am sending you a virtual hug and hope it helps. I know what you mean about feeling low especially at this time of year and especially when it is coming up to the anniversary or a special day of some kind. Hopefully you got your results back and it was negative. Lots of love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Thank you Mel.

    Yes Martin, I had a lovely afternoon and meal at dads and yes my two came with me. Their grandad is the best to them too and they will never miss a trip to see him. Lovely to see him before lockdown. Paul and Hannah and myself had a tight laugh with a bit of a karoke in the car singing to my fav 80's tunes. Such fun.

    I have had a huge laugh tonight, phone call from idiot guy, his love life had collapsed and I could day umm.i told you so, you were a twat to me and your brain is in your pants!!! So satisfying and she just finished it by txt like he did!!! I am still laughing! I also sneaked in a you were crap too!!! I have never been so unpleasant! But it did feel good! 

    Love to everyone

    Alison xxx

  • Hi, 

    i long for  a hug  mostly skin contact. At the same time worried about starting a relationship (kind of glad corona virus gives me an excuse) its 15 months i thought i would feel better but im grieving still, and lockdown has if anything made me grieve more. Im beginning to look back on memories with a smile, glad we did them rather than wish i could go back so i hope that gives you a glimmer in what can only be described as a completely shit time. X 

  • HuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHugginghugs all round HuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHuggingHugging

    Tomorrow is another day