
  • 68 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I lost my husband in June during lock down to bowel cancer. It's now 5 months on and I'm still finding it very hard to accept. With all these restrictions it's difficult to try and move forward. My parents live abroad so seeing them is a no no. I miss him terribly and can't see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm told it will get easier.  Michelle X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Can't believe you have been to so many places that were part of my childhood. Yes I didn't need a sat nav as Steve was it. And knew every garage to get a Costa  Yes it would be good to talk again.

    Hope you sleep well.

    Nite Martin.

    Take care

    Michelle. X

  • OMW!!Heart You 2 should seriously meet up!! Heart it's like being a fly on the wall on First Dates (ch 4) Heart you sound like mcc and lizzy Heartso much in common Heartlike a Mills & BoonHeart (please don't take anything the wrong way) I  mean it all lightheartedly Heart

    It's been nice reading your messages Heart

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Aww BootsyD thank you.

    I haven't taken anything the wrong way. Yes a lot in common and that's nice. But that's all. It's been so good to talk. And I hope to have many more people to talk to. Fingers crossed. Makes a crap situation a bit easier. Xx

  • It's lovely to see/read when people have  connections to places or things not connected to our personal situations (cancer).  keep chatting Heart you sound like you have a good knack for banter xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Yeah it certainly lifts your spirits. And yes if it takes your mind away from the hurt and pain for a few minutes it's worth it.

    Tomorrow is another day BootsyD. X 

  • Heart eyesx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    Hi Michelle, I lost my partner in April.My whole family lives abroad,so they couldn't even come to the funeral or just fly over here to support me because of lockdown. I was devastated. 3 days after my partner died,my dad suddenly died. And I couldn't fly there and be on my dads funeral. My whole world just fell apart. In August,my grandma suddenly died, and I thought that's it, I can't take any more pain. But I'm still here,heartbroken to the last bit,missing my partner,my dad and my grandma so much every day. There is no advice at the end,I just wanted to share my story with you,hoping it might help you.I miss my partner every second of the day,but I guess,we take one day at the time,like we have been advised to by everyone more experienced and wiser. Take care Michelle x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Zuzanka,

    I'm so sorry for all the loss and pain you have endured this past year. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. To loose your partner as I know is hard enough but to loose your Dad and Grandma so close together is awful. Yes the pain is unbearable at times but like yiur you I'm still here. I really appreciate you sharing your story and reaching out to try and help someone else.

    Take care

    Michelle. X