I did it horray

  • 14 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi Hope every one is doing the best they can.

The weather has really changed, so no garden today, so should i do.

Oh yes clean out the kitchen cupboards i have to say they have not been done for a long time, was doing well really pleased

Yes it did not last long, had some out of date  stuff, which went in the bin, but why i do not know a packet of Bisto powder which i opened and threw down sink why do not ask, as soon as i done it i was saying ellie why did you do that.

Then it was a problems the sink was completely blocked omg Tom would sort this after he moaned at me,

So for three hours i tried  my hardest, had a wire coat hanger which i opened up a plunger, a Bootle of bleach, and a bottle of drain un blocker.

Knocked at my next door neighbour to see what he could suggest said he would come in tomorrow and sort it,

Then it hit me i have an insurance policy, so got on phone and they where busy after an hour got threw, yes some one will be out between 2 and six, hurray.

Made a cup of tea and thought give it one last go  Hooray i only done it how can some thing like that make your day never done anything like that in my life.

So had to phone insurance company back and that took 30mins to cancel the plumbers . 

So in one way i have had a good day so chuffed,


  • Well done Ellie. Nothings gona beat that gal. Glad it all worked out ok for you.x


    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    Hi Ellie 

    well done all these things are sent to try us 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Well done Ellie

    Here's to us independent woman!!! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Go girl! Maybe they could sell Bisto as a sealant?

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember

    Well done... that’s a good feeling. 

  • Well done Ellie, its the little steps and achievements that suddenly make us realise that we are doing ok and can get through this.

    For me as well its sharing the achievements with you guys because you understand 

    It took me 3 days to paint out the tiny bathroom and then 1 more to remove the paint splashes but I  did it, me,  and im proud of it!

    Take care all sunny Sunday morning in the Mid's, off out with Mcc to walk two of my dogs shortly - no coffee though as unruly schnauzers and coffee shops dont mix 


  • Hi Lizzy

    Have a good time. I have been seeing this male old friend on a friend only basis and enjoying his company. Coffee or a drink only. I will see how it goes. 

    Take care but I guess we have to take a chance sometime xxx

  • Hi Alison,

    We had an interesting walk as neither of the girls were exactly well behaved. That's life though isnt it -  can't be perfect all of the time.

    Hope you have a good week, enjoy your friends company when you see him next

     You're right we all have to take a chance. im so pleased that Mcc and I decided to - we get on very well and its so nice to have his friendship and company. 

    Lizzy x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LizzyK

    great news...small successes in DIY and new company.  Is this mccmcc of the dreadful jokes ? Haha . Excellent. I do find that friends who have experienced grief are especially precious now.  Enjoy the dogs.  My Siamese stalks round the house shouting at me ( I think she’s just telling me it’s wet outside) but I’m not finding her as companionable as I had hoped. I think the emptiness is too big to be filled by one small cat, however talkative.  Like Lizzy and Akela/Alison, I’ve also been seeing a couple of man-friends from way back times. Connections matter.