I did it horray

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  • 28 subscribers

Hi Hope every one is doing the best they can.

The weather has really changed, so no garden today, so should i do.

Oh yes clean out the kitchen cupboards i have to say they have not been done for a long time, was doing well really pleased

Yes it did not last long, had some out of date  stuff, which went in the bin, but why i do not know a packet of Bisto powder which i opened and threw down sink why do not ask, as soon as i done it i was saying ellie why did you do that.

Then it was a problems the sink was completely blocked omg Tom would sort this after he moaned at me,

So for three hours i tried  my hardest, had a wire coat hanger which i opened up a plunger, a Bootle of bleach, and a bottle of drain un blocker.

Knocked at my next door neighbour to see what he could suggest said he would come in tomorrow and sort it,

Then it hit me i have an insurance policy, so got on phone and they where busy after an hour got threw, yes some one will be out between 2 and six, hurray.

Made a cup of tea and thought give it one last go  Hooray i only done it how can some thing like that make your day never done anything like that in my life.

So had to phone insurance company back and that took 30mins to cancel the plumbers . 

So in one way i have had a good day so chuffed,


  • How lovely that we are all starting to get company from others. 


  • Afternoon ladies

    I think it's something that we all need and especially if we are comfortable with the company and feel safe.

    Its nice to be able to talk and not feel like there are awkward silences to fill.

    Alison like you I'm reconnecting with friends because in my past relationship it wasn't possible and I think I am so lucky that they want me back in their lives after so long. 

    Mcc and i get on very well and understand each other (and I laugh at his jokes!!) Its weird because we had a connection on here and you wonder if it will be the same when you meet face to face. I actually think its better but the time "talking" on here made it easy in person because I felt like I had known him years.

    Take care ladies and here's to friendships old and new

    Lizzy X

  • I am really pleased that you are getting on so well Lizzy. 

    I too have had some good laughs with both the male friend and really enjoy going out with all my female friends. My children love it but my mum disapproves! I think I am supposed to wear a black veil and call myself Victoria!!! Lol. She did not even like Ric until he had his diagnosis!!! 

    But I don't really care and my dad is pleased I am having a life at last! 


  • I think those of us who have "been through it" understand the feelings of the rest of us and we all have that appreciation of the fragility of our existence.

    As for the future I am for the first time in a long time optimistic about what and where that future might go...

    So there is hope for us all..

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"