Day 1

  • 15 replies
  • 29 subscribers


I posted a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t right that I did at the time so I left the group until now. 

My wife Rebecca was diagnosed with stomach cancer 4 weeks ago, this had spread to the bones and she passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon at just gone 12:10.
The 48 hrs leading up to this was the first time she has been comfortable and settled for many months. 

The hospice kindly adapted the visiting rules for me to be there 24/7. I just had to leave to wash and eat and when any other family visited, so did this when her parents visited. 
I will be forever grateful for being allowed to be with her round the clock. 

Our daughter and I were holding her hand and telling her how much we loved her at the end. Her breath had been unsettled overnight but by morning was relaxed and very natural, our daughter was just about to leave to see a friend at the park, when Rebecca’s breathing changed, with a long pause, this occurred 3 maybe 4 times and she was gone, very peaceful, very quick. I listened to her chest and there was nothing, the tears flowed.

Our daughter spent a few minutes alone with her mum to say final goodbye and I informed the staff. They were wonderful, they allowed me to help wash and settle Rebecca, I put some flowers in her hand and an ornamental candle our daughter had made next to her. 
I spent the rest of the afternoon at her side, I didn’t want to leave her at all, but I was also avoiding going home, I needed to collect our daughter as well which forced me to do this at 6 pm. I wish I was still with her now. 

Waking  alone this morning, hit me with a delayed reaction, then it became too much. 

this is day 1 of a horrible new chapter in my life, a big hole is in it and I’m lost. I need a way to find the courage to live my life, raise our daughter and make Rebecca proud, that seems an impossible challenge but one I need to aim for, there will no doubt be many downs and hopefully some ups over the next few weeks and months.

i hope we can help each other on our journeys. Thank you for taking the time to read this


  • So sorry to hear about Rebecca passing but it sounds so peaceful for her. Take comfort in that. 

    It will be surreal for the next few days. You won't know if you are coming or going. One step at a time and come and chat if you need to. 

    Take care

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • You will get there but just for now give yourself time to be irrationally sad and you should find you can claw back a semblance of normality.

    My only advice is to keep doing the 'normal' stuff, washing, eating and expect to feel crap!

    You're among friends here who know what it's like...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Tattoo - hello and day 1, start of another difficult time. Automatic pilot worked for me and still does. Welcome is not  the right word but it is safe here. 

  • I have found this group a great comfort,  hope you will as well, i lost the love of my life only a week ago the pain is unbearable,  we were married for 45 years. I hope time brings peace to us all on here.

  • Sending a virtual hug to you and your daughter

    Disappointed relieved so sad for your loss  x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • So sorry Tattoo 

    It is so raw for you and your daughter and the rest of the family.

    You can only do one day at a time that is how the majority of us managed at the start of this awful journey and that is what it is.

    You will experience  so many different emotions and you wonder where they come from at times, and they just take you of your guard.

    I have read your profile lovely photos, those are your memories and we all have our memories whether good or bad.

    You will learn how to deal with things we have to.

    I am coming up to eleven months now, at the start i never thought i could get threw the first week, now i think how have i got this far.

    I talk to my hubby a lot as if he was still here, it gives me comfort, i at times have even cursed him, when i had to sort out the mess in the shed, but i done it.

    I have had great support from every one in this group and we all support each other. We all truly understand what the other is going threw and no one else can say that, unless they to have experienced it

    Use the group when ever you need to and some one will always answer if they are about.

    You have made the first move it took me a while to join, though you must take time for yourself.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to read this Nathan, take comfort in being with Rebecca when she slipped peacefully away. You will no doubt have good & bad days but, be kind to yourself. Talk about a Rebecca with your daughter & take each hour as it comes.

    I lost my wonderful husband 5 weeks ago, we were inseparable & I’m struggling. People here have been kind & supportive. 

    Take care of yourself & your daughter

    Sending a big virtual hug. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Nathan 

    sorry for your loss  I still talk to my wife cuddle up with pillows at nite 

    we are all to listen to you rant and support each other 

    you have you daughter to look after remember one day at a time some will be bad and some good 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Thank you all for your responses. I’ve really appreciated your thoughts and comments, I’ve read them all and wanted to respond individually but time keeps getting away from me. 
    I spoke to the undertaker for the first time today and have to start to properly think about things now which I don’t really want to do. 
    I also sat with Rebecca today and that was nice to just be with her. I’ll see her one last time when she has her final clothing next week, just waiting for our daughter to choose something. 

    thank you for listening and communicating with me. I appreciate that


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nathan terribly sorry for your loss i know its early days my wife passed away only 5 weeks ago i have 2 children that miss there mum terribly like i do all i can say is you just take each day as it arrives and remember nothing will be as tough as those first few weeks. i have had some great support from this group we are all in this together and hear to listen all the best Reg