Day 1

  • 15 replies
  • 29 subscribers


I posted a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t right that I did at the time so I left the group until now. 

My wife Rebecca was diagnosed with stomach cancer 4 weeks ago, this had spread to the bones and she passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon at just gone 12:10.
The 48 hrs leading up to this was the first time she has been comfortable and settled for many months. 

The hospice kindly adapted the visiting rules for me to be there 24/7. I just had to leave to wash and eat and when any other family visited, so did this when her parents visited. 
I will be forever grateful for being allowed to be with her round the clock. 

Our daughter and I were holding her hand and telling her how much we loved her at the end. Her breath had been unsettled overnight but by morning was relaxed and very natural, our daughter was just about to leave to see a friend at the park, when Rebecca’s breathing changed, with a long pause, this occurred 3 maybe 4 times and she was gone, very peaceful, very quick. I listened to her chest and there was nothing, the tears flowed.

Our daughter spent a few minutes alone with her mum to say final goodbye and I informed the staff. They were wonderful, they allowed me to help wash and settle Rebecca, I put some flowers in her hand and an ornamental candle our daughter had made next to her. 
I spent the rest of the afternoon at her side, I didn’t want to leave her at all, but I was also avoiding going home, I needed to collect our daughter as well which forced me to do this at 6 pm. I wish I was still with her now. 

Waking  alone this morning, hit me with a delayed reaction, then it became too much. 

this is day 1 of a horrible new chapter in my life, a big hole is in it and I’m lost. I need a way to find the courage to live my life, raise our daughter and make Rebecca proud, that seems an impossible challenge but one I need to aim for, there will no doubt be many downs and hopefully some ups over the next few weeks and months.

i hope we can help each other on our journeys. Thank you for taking the time to read this


  • Nathan , I’m so sorry you find yourself here. 
    I am glad that Rebecca’s passing was peaceful, that you & your daughter were both with her & the staff were so lovely to you - believe me, that will help you a lot in the next few weeks, knowing you have done everything possible. 
    if I may, id suggest not trying to think too far ahead, just take it one day & when you need it one hour, at a time. It’s very hard to think about how to live a lifetime - don’t try.  I don’t know how old your daughter is but I’m guessing she is quite young- I don’t know if she has been to a funeral before. I have 3 children who had never been to one before losing their dad, I talked to them about the man walking down the road all dressed up in the top hat as a mark of respect before the cars set off & my eldest wrote something about her dad which was read out on her behalf. My husband was cremated & I asked them to leave  the curtains open at the end of the service as it was easier for us to leave him rather than watch him disappear behind the curtain- that would’ve made me hysterical.

    Do what feels right to you- & don’t expect too much of yourself either. 
    Sending love to you both 

    Sarah xx 

  • Thank you Reg, I really appreciate you taking the time, I’m sorry for your loss as well and the rawness of these early days. It’ll be one week tomorrow/today looking at the time and it feels like a lifetime already, our daughter finds evenings so hard, as do I. Take care and thank you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tattoo

    Hi fella you dont have to thank me i know how your felling its ever so tough try to surround yourself with loved ones if you can and express exactly how your felling this is something that i try to do although i dont want to go to people at times because i just know i will cry i am a very emotional person at times its better out then in fella its a hard pill to swallow at times how old is your daughter i myself i have a 22 year old son also a 24 year old daughter that are keeping me going at times it so true take it one day at a time look after your daughter  where  are you from i myself  am living in kent always ready to listen thats to everybody who is on this forum best wishes to you both Reg

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    Hi Sarah your words are so true we all feel that we are going through some hard times we must all stay as strong as we can i know that some days you dont feel strong but believe me we are strong its only been  five weeks since i lost my best mate wife and soulmate we had 33 years together i am trying my up most to stay strong for my kids you sound like your a great mum and a good person take good care only a message away Reg

  • Thank you Reg, our daughter turned 13 a few days ago,  

    yes I’m very emotional too, also insecure and I hate to admit it quite needy too, so it’s not a good combination, my wife although she wouldn’t believe it was the strong one. 

    im in Birmingham so a long way away. I’m sorry your family are going through this and to be together so long is heartbreaking for you and your family. 

    thank you and take care