Well What Can One Say

  • 56 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Well its over three weeks now since this new set was put in place, and i have to say it is very noticeable that all the groups have lost that  friendly, comfort, supportive feeling, or have i got it wrong.

The three groups that i belong to are very very quiet, and the banter and family feeling has disappeared, even though the support is there from people that have to belong to these groups. People that have been using them for a long time seem to have  disappeared or given up, with the problems it has caused, or the way the set up is.

I could spend all evening talking to different people when needed, but now people are still about and are  coming in a bit like me to see what is going on.

Hope you are all coping the best you can and as the saying goes I will be back.

Take Care Ellie xx

  • Hi Gary

    Good to see you, i do not come here as much, like you have been busy helps me get threw the day.

    There are certain things i can not get rid of all his best tee shirts that he loved and i can see him in them.

    The last time he came threw the front door he hung his fleece up, been there a year, though i did wash it a few weeks ago to put in charity shop, and yes it is hanging back up where he left it.

    Know how you fill Gary we would have been married 54years on the first of this month,, he to is irreplaceable, he was my life.

    As you say it is the loneliness, siting of a evening by your self, and no one to chat with about anything. It is so hard  but we have to keep going for them if not for ourselves.

    You Take Care Ellie x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Gary and Ellie 

    we are all still here sorry not on much Ellie I do read the posts are you keeping well  I still wear Diane fleece for fishing 

    yes the loneliness still hurts as you say Ellie sitting by yourself at home at nite with no one to talk too only the pictures 

    take care 

    martin x

  • Martin i just replied to you on other thread. LOL

    Glad we both on at same time and you are slowing going forward like us all.

    Yes three month check up was good, another one coming up beg December where has this year gone to.

    I see on a thread it has been 10months for you now martin seems like yesterday when you first came here.

    It shows you we do get by and time slips away/

    Please keep us updated  when you pop in.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie i replied on the other thread 

    time does go by I’m like you I don’t like nites getting dark earlier 

    I’m glad the check up was good hope the boys are still helping you and the next check up goes well too

    im still dreading Xmas might be on here a lot then 

    I’m still waiting for work to put me on nites it mite not even happen I will have to wait for some one to retire  always good to have a chat with you Ellie 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Always good to chat with you as well think back to when you first joined, you have come on well, and Diana  would be pleased.

    Just read your other reply on different thread same firm 30 years,

    No the boys seem to have taken a back seat, i am getting on and doing some my self, its surprising what you can do when no one else about.

    Yes clock go back this weekend hated it last year, so now know what to expect can understand why people get depressed, i have been like that last few weeks, but got to  get out of it.

    Take Care Martin Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie 

    30 years Ellie the same company two wife one x and Diane who who gave us a great life together and holidays I enjoyed one fishing and cruises which I liked because we would be in a different place every other day 

    then when Diane died I decided I must be jinxed

    it’s hard to get out of the dumps I find watching a black ad white film what’s funny helps me better than some of the modern films 

    it’s most I’ve been on here for ages the winter nights do depress people 

    do you still go shopping is it with  your sister 

    have you been doing diy too and have you finished the garden 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Martin

    Yes i have done the Garden ad i cut the grass this Tuesday, i must say really pleased with it looking good, nothing like self praise

    Yes DIY i have mended a door, a chair fell apart and put back together so not doing to bad.

    Yes still going shopping with sister, about the only time i get to go out, i do not drive and  have to rely on others, though daughter is good.

    Well at the moment nothing on the tv this virus has changed everything and no end in sight.

    The whole world is going to pot/

    I find the evening the worst part of the day, no one just to talk to about a programme you my have watch, or the news.

    Tom would have been in top form putting the country in the right direction, or the way he thought it should go.

    Just pleased you piped in tonight and as you say now the winter is coming you could be about a bit more.

    Did you finish your counselling course, i have a phone buddie threw Macmillan she phoned me today done it for seven weeks now.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie 

    wow Ellie diy and the garden finished Tom would be proud of you 

    yes you are right it’s so good to have a chat in the evening 

    I finished the counselling I had it for ten weeks it was good to get everything off my chest but it’s in your head and I have my memories 

    so how long do you get the phone buddy for I have not phoned Macmillan up for ages 

    I don’t like the winter either I’m always glad when the nites draw out again slow as it does 

    take care 

    martin x

  • Hi Martin

    Yes i think he would be, grandson repaired brick wall for not some thing i would have a go at.

    I have some guttering to get done on the shed, if i had longer arms i could do it, lol goggle is so very helpful never used it so much.

    Phone buddie is for 14 weeks or longer if needed, i have had seven, we normally chat for two hours do not ask me what about, everything and nothing.

    Some one was telling me, when we put them forward next March it will be the last  time i have not heard about that.

    Well have to say tonight has gone really quick, and you do not fill  like your shut away from the world/

    Just hope we do not go into this tier three they keep on about, not going to stay in for a long time again, drove me crazy.

    How you finding work with this virus.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie 

    I’m still working hard have to wear a mask in depot customer’s carry on like theirs nothing wrong because you have known them a long time like the virus does not exist 

    the phone buddy seems really good and helps you would prefer if did not have to put clocks back 

    google is good very helpful I should use it to learn to cook lol 

    when you are chatting with your virtual friends time does go by quickly by I forget what is was while I’ve been hiding away  thank you Ellie was good to chat have a good day 

    take care 

    Martin x