Husband’s last few days: worrying about thing I can’t solve.

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 After end of chemo, lung cancer surged back and killed my lovely H, age 65. Early April. He was admitted to hospice 2 days before he died. Neither he nor I realised that the tummy swelling and ankle swelling and extreme  sleepiness were signs of end of life. We thought the fatigue was just post chemo. Looking back...I don’t know why we didn’t clock it. I did realise this was a new phase but I did not understand that the changes would accelerate so very fast.
His last day conscious before dying was grumpy and odd.  He was badly disturbed the following night and died the next day . Myself and our boys were there as closely as covid restrictions allowed.  I feel endlessly worried about his distress that last night.  I know he had not accepted he was about to die, on the previous day. Was he frightened? Obviously there’s nothing I can do about it, but how to come to terms with this worry ?

i tried asking the hospice for more information from doctors’ notes but there is no evidence in there that anyone comforted him  

Grief is so overwhelming: I had no idea. I am trying to return to my technical lonely work but it’s too difficult to concentrate. I’d much prefer to be doing something easier and with other people around. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie 

    you are so strong and keep going with all you have been through over the past years where do you find the energy from 

    fishing I have always found it peaceful  and we did it together and she always caught the better fish lol 

    at least I know I’m not mad now I tell her when I’m having a bad day work too 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh god Martin if your mad than so am i and a lot  of other people on the group.

    Said goodnight told him, David had been down put new roof on his shed, sorted out all the tools, and that our other son's dog died Thursday and hope they meet up  where ever they are.

    So i could be mad, it brings me comfort but i do not care what others may think, i told the kids i talk to him, what ever makes you happy was the reply.

    I talk to him when i am doing his garden, but next door neighbor did shout over the fence who you talking to, my self i said with a smile.

    Talk to Diane when your fishing she will be with you, there body may not be here but the soul is, and that is what makes a person.

     I have done nothing today, the phone has not stopped, my friend phoned two and half hours later she went, then Tom's sister phoned, then son. Tomorrow will not go at all, everything seems to happen o the same day.

    I am catching up with the tv i missed all week, as my son and i just talked

    Do you have any other hobbies, i do reading which i have not done since he passed as had so much to do, cannot wait when all jobs are finished and sit in garden with feet up if only.

    I often wonder if the shoe had been on the other foot how he would have coped.

    He always said the house would be sold, he would buy a Winnie bagoo and travel Europe , mind you know one ever thought but the virus that taken over the world.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie 

    if all the family come and see that will be nice and your son did the big jobs for too 

    and you can chill in garden read your book a bit nippy out sitting out today tho 

    fishing has always been my hobby when Diane was  alive we had the two dogs to keep me busy and look forward to are holidays every year

    that is a interesting question how would they have coped the other way round never thought about that she always she is to say you have not made a will yet. But now I have sorted my estate out even thought about paying for my funeral now so the kids do not have to worry about it 

    have a good day 

    take care 

    Martin x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there I’m new to this group I too lost my husband from small cell lung cancer in March it happened so quickly he went from working in October to diagnosis in November, it took hold so quickly then we went into lockdown so couldnt have the funeral we wanted , I just wanted to say if you need to talk I’m here , take care 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi just say my hubby and i got our funerals bought and paid for a few years ago

    We both picked our own coffins, how many cars and so on, when he passed it was so easy just took the plan in and that was it.

    Only had to pick music, flowers and where to have food., we thought we could think about music but never got round to it.

    We did it so when the time may come it would save our kids having to do it, and any arguments, one might want this and one might  want that.We had what we wanted.

    Take  Care Ellie  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie 

    I will sorted out next year  sounds a better was of doing I spoke to the company the other day they if you pay for it they have to honour the price you paid even if it years later 

    for Diane I used our wedding music  

    and it is cold by the fishing lake 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • Hi Phyllis,

    My husband's story was similar, discovered in September, diagnosed October and gone at the end of December. That was small cell lung cancer. It was so quick. They gave us hope of longer. I wish they had been truthful as we had no time to plan the things he wanted! Luckily we had the funeral before lockdown. 

    Welcome to the group.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Very similar experience to ours, Phyllis. The speed of it is so difficult to come to terms with. Thanks for getting in touch.  I tried to go back to work too quickly because I had a short term contract and I thought I should try to earn something before the end of the contract but it has proved too much. I left last week. Every time I do another bit of the estate admin I feel exhausted for the rest of the day. Are you the same ? I just do a bit at a time.  But having walked away from the job I feel that I’ve completely gone to pieces. Can’t concentrate on anything. 
    Everyone says it takes time but I feel I’m stuck in a loop right now. ( 8 weeks on) .

    Does this resonate ? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    It is difficult to concentrate, sleep pattern is terrible,making decision is very exhausting, I even went to take the dog for a walk the other day locked the back door, and looked down I didn't have any shoes on! Take care

    Mandy xx