Husband’s last few days: worrying about thing I can’t solve.

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 After end of chemo, lung cancer surged back and killed my lovely H, age 65. Early April. He was admitted to hospice 2 days before he died. Neither he nor I realised that the tummy swelling and ankle swelling and extreme  sleepiness were signs of end of life. We thought the fatigue was just post chemo. Looking back...I don’t know why we didn’t clock it. I did realise this was a new phase but I did not understand that the changes would accelerate so very fast.
His last day conscious before dying was grumpy and odd.  He was badly disturbed the following night and died the next day . Myself and our boys were there as closely as covid restrictions allowed.  I feel endlessly worried about his distress that last night.  I know he had not accepted he was about to die, on the previous day. Was he frightened? Obviously there’s nothing I can do about it, but how to come to terms with this worry ?

i tried asking the hospice for more information from doctors’ notes but there is no evidence in there that anyone comforted him  

Grief is so overwhelming: I had no idea. I am trying to return to my technical lonely work but it’s too difficult to concentrate. I’d much prefer to be doing something easier and with other people around. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hi thank you

    I was with Diane ten years she fell out with her family before I met her but I invited them to the funeral and they want to know about are life to together I knew her x partner took drugs drank and hit her I read her old diary I found  when sorting things out 

    I know I gave her better life a good life she deserved  I’m nice guy and someone said I’m soft 

    then her son rang me told me about his life how he was and has changed now because he was like his dad  

    and that got me down and I can’t get out of my head  my brain has been in over drive all week  but will do a couple of things today and try to rest 

    Take care 

    Martin x

  • Oh Martin,

    I so wish there was a switch we could use to turn off our minds. I couldn't switch mine off last night, tossed and turned, thoughts, memories running through my mind, sobbed, woken this morning feeling like a zombie!

    You must take comfort knowing you are a lovely guy that gave her the life she deserved and made her happy.

    Ali x

  • Hi Martin, life can be so sad. If Diane's son has changed for the better then that's good and I guess you can feel proud he confided in you. It has affected you so much I can tell, but I hope you can turn it around and see the positives. Take care my friend, I  hope you can get this wretched thoughts out of your mind and replace them with some better ones, Pam x

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Martin

    You are doing well. You sound lonely at times and I get the keeping busy. I try and do that. That is why I find work hard now we have been redeployed because of covid as it is just not busy!!! I really want my old job again. I am also doing basic hours and was doing a lot of overtime!

    With covid some of the things we were looking forward to have been taken away like holidays and seeing friends and with the loss of our loved partners our goalsConfused and dreams. 

    Like Diane,  Ric had had rocky times with his children over the last 10 years and I involved them in the funeral, he had just made things better between them. His older daughter keeps asking what I am doing with his ashes and she wants to come. I want to go alone. I feel I have been their support and now it is my time to say final goodbyes but not able to say it yet. I looked after him and protected him and dealt with all his demons, noone else. At the end of the day, hard as it is her children are not really your responsibility. Unfortunately I found a few things out about Ric that I would rather not know but I think we all have things in our past that we like to keep hidden as a protective thing, not that we are lying to anyone other than ourselves. My dad is the one person who I trust but my mum knows little because she doesn't understand and gossips! 

    Look after yourself and don't let anyone drag you down. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    thank you if Diane had told me about her past it would have been okay with me we all have a past I have agreed to see her parents once a month and I will tell them about are life together 

     I am very lonely my own children live the other end of the country then text me when they want to 

    ive been doing loads of hours at work  delivering loads of different things still delivering the ventilators the customers said the nhs ordered 1500 

    I’ve been having phone counselling. weekends shopping housework fishing on Sunday life is shit  

    take care 
    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Martn

    Sorry this is how you are feeling Martin, your children living far away is not helping, i had not seen my youngest son since Christmas he lives three hours away. He did phone and ask would it be alright if he came down and stayed, he knows i have had no contact with any one for 12 weeks now but wanted to know how i felt about it, i needed to see him as well.

    He went home yesterday we had a good week, second time since his dad died we both needed the human contact, mind you i made him work as well, got lot's of jobs done.

    It will be eight months Monday since he passed and would have been his birthday this coming Wednesday, we both felt so much better for seeing each other.

    Yes keeping busy is good, but its the human contact with your nearest and dearest.

    Hopefully you will get to see your children at some point you could meet half way some where that suits you and them.

    I do not say i am lonely alone yes and i do not like it one little bit.

    I talk to the tv and sometimes shout at it, as yes there is no one else here to talk to of an evening.

    Life is never going to be the same for any of us, its life but a different way of life, it is what we make of it.

    Your young enough at some point to try and start a new life, i  have other things to deal with, and get threw what ever is thrown at me regarding my health and my hubby would want me to put that at the top f my list.

    We are all hear for you, just give us a Hi need to chat and some one will pop up.

    Well after last few  weeks its l chilly here more like winter, at least the water butt will get filled.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie 

    thank you my children. This should make you laugh they are 20 and 26 and do not want to travel down to see me on a train by their selfs I will have to go and get them like I have always down or drive up to get them  Hertfordshire to Aberdeenshire and I have driven their back in a day 

    I know you are not well  are you still waiting for treatment  I’m glad you son came and help you with your jobs do you still have loads to do 

    I talk to her pictures and put my hand on the ashes and say good nite  and good morning love you  I drive to work in the car tell her I love her and have a good day  and take care 

    at moment get through the  day  

    Take care 

    Martin x 

  • As Ellie says, we are all here Martin. 

    That is a long drive but perhaps you will be able to make it soon.

    Thinking about you 

    Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    thank you  every time the beginning of the month starts I know it’s another month 5 months now I must seem sad I count the months  and every day rolls in to the next  

    It mite  have to wait until next year  not going on a train this year either   Diane told me I had to make a new for myself  But I want my old one back even tho I can’t have it 

    thank you all for listening to me  

    take care 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Martin

    I have to say i made him work hard and he got a lot of the big jobs done which i am so thankful for he did work hard.

    Oh martin that is a long trip would have thought they could have made a bit more of an effort, the younger generation  not just yours all seem to have a different way of thinking these days.

    I finished three years of treatment Christmas Eve 2018 and my hubby was diagnosed 4 days before i finished, that was not fair, once was bad enough, we had so  much planned for when i had finished, and he got his diagnosis , and in the Jan went straight into his treatment .

    I am on watch and wait, when its starts to come back more chemo, i am incurable but treatable. Just a waiting game.

    So we have had a rough four years, but still here to tell the tale, is was so much easier when he was at my side, that i fill hard.

    Glad you have got back into doing your fishing, my hubby always  said it was his mediation time, did not think of anything it was so tranquil, mind you might be a bit cold tomorrow.

    Martin i am sure things will start to get a little better just a bit more time, never the same, but Diane would want you to make the most  of each day,

    I say morning also to hubby and goodnight and tell him what the day has brought, makes me fill like he is still here.

    Take Care Ellie xx