A total meltdown out of the blue

  • 13 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Dear all, I going to ramble so please bare with me. 

Pushing nearly eight months after losing Anne and recently doing so well I've been tipped over the edge and no one is to blame. My friends over the road have been self isolating like me yet  I'm still invited  over three times a week to have a few beers with my mate whilst his wife welcomes it because my mate loves company. I'm also invited to eat with them. Lovely empathic peopleHeart decoration We've done this  since shortly  after Anne passed and prior to the Corona Virus pandemic because they are caring loving people.  But in the last few weeks I been  feeling uncomfortable. My friends wife who seems to know every time I leave the house has  been giving  me the 3rd degree. Where have I been?  Did I talk to anyone? Have I kept 2metres apart from others? Did I wash my hands? And veiled threats that if she finds out I'm breaking the rules I won't be invited over again. I only go out to give the car a run to keep the battery charged or to get money from the bank cash machine which I need for certain things. I spray everything with antiseptic and even go over there smelling of it but it doesn't seem to compute. I think I've become the whipping boy because of her paranoid anxiety about my mate who is medically vulnerable to COVID- 19. So my nerves are now on edge. So this Wednesday Im going to say to her I think its in our best interest I no longer visit. Having come to this decision I had a complete emotional  melt down tonight and totally out of the blue. I had flash backs of Anne's death. I saw her take her last breath. I'm feeling guilty how controlled I was at the time. Giving her a kiss on  the cheek. But I didn't even take her hand afterwards although she passed just after I told her I loved her and she'd been the perfect wife and mum and how the kids loved her to bits. She seemed to wait till they weren't there to pass with me alone and had a smile on her sweet face.Yet guilt !  Then memories and emotions hit me concerning my mum's mental illness.The premature  death of my dad as a result of it. Seeing him too taking his last breath. And then visiting and trying to care for my mum whilst she was verbally and abusive towards my dead  dad. Reiterating my dad wasnt my biological father. Dad knew of her war time affair but forgave her. Mum was a lovely woman till she went insane and no meds could help her. Just valium that made her turn to drink. Then me  dealing with her death and funeral. All the time throughout ALL THESE TRAUMAS  I kept my police head on and dealt with the whole lot. I had no choice. I was alone. Now all of this has for the first time  kicked me in the stomach emotionally. My kids can't visit me. Daughter works for the NHS and son who has anxiety problems is self isolating. So once  again I'll be  dealing with all this life shit on my own. My antidepressant meds now hardly touch the problem. I've had just enough of it all now. SORRY. 


  • FormerMember

    Ahh Geoff,

    I feel your pain. You have had a lot to deal with and I think too much alone thinking time has brought it all to the surface. I have been totally alone for 2 weeks 24/7 and I am going mad. I have elderly parents, 3 married children and 5 soon to be 6 grandchildren and can’t see anyone and just need a cuddle we are a very tactile family. My Bob died in my arms in our bed 11 weeks ago and only time I have flashbacks of his actual passing is when I’m driving!

    i had a meltdown this morning it all got too much as weekends were always family times I was unable to get out of bed sat nursing Bobs ashes and listening to “take him home” from les miserable then out of the blue my daughter face timed me and I’m sure Bob had sent her to me to pull me out of this dark place that’s why I know he is watching over me.

    i then was able to pull myself together and had a productive day nut have been tired all day I think it’s emotional exhaustion. I think I can just about manage another week but if it’s extended I seriously worry for my mental health.

    Stay strong Geoff, I feel it’s one step forward and 2 back for me at the moment.

    keep posting on here it helps know you are not alone having a bad time.

    sheila x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Geoff, 

    Don't apologies and don't read anymore into this than people are scared and it's all a huge unknown. You've had so many things  happenv; allow yourself time, be kind and gentle with yourself and give yourself some understanding. As you've given so many others.

    By all means explain your actions to your friends but don't shut the door on the relationship. Take a breather and I hope it will work out with time. Many best wishes remember all you've been through and stay safe .

    Take care 

  • Hi Sheila 

    Stay strong as they say. I'm not sure who 'they'  are to be honest. .But I like it.

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Dear Wife026years 

    I agree its all a huge unknown. I find it hard to be gentle with myself, What ever I've done in the past I've always felt I could have done better. It's a guilt thing but I have no idea where its come  from. And I'm not even Catholic Joy I  won't shut the door on the relationship. I'll simply say that during the pandemic I should bow out  for a while which will put my friends wife's mind at ease. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff, l have read your story and its both sad and wonderful. I think you are very wise to have some time away from your beighbours. You could say you are concerned for your friends welfare as he has health issues, forgive them their fears. I say your story is wonderful because you clearly adored your wife. There is a question you could ask yourself, Was the joy of loving her for all those years worth the pain of losing her? If you had known how it would end would you still have started it. I asked myself those questions when scale of the tragedy seemed overwhelming ,for me that was in the early days of diagnosis and treatment . My answer was a resounding 'yes' and that somehow comforted me. Try to find peace in small things, a few minutes at a time. It's hard but not impossible. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff,

    That option with your friend sounds very sensible bearing in mind the circumstances. Could you you still call? Not quite the same but may also help your friend.

    I understand the guilt aspect. I struggled hugely with this I can't suggest the best way because it's all so individual and depends on so many things. Hope you can find peace with this somehow,  I remember thinking if I was talking to a friend how would I react,? What would I say.? 

    Let us know how it goes. Take care xxx

  • Hi Geoff,

    I had s melt down the other day but ok again now. Your job and your past life have shown you things that others never face as has mine. I hate it when people say it makes you a strong person! I don't want to be sometimes as I am sure you don't! 

    I took a break for a few days from phoning my mum! I care about her and she is isolating but she was doing my head in!!! I got my brother to check.her instead! It did me good and your neighbour sounds a bit like her! I am sure that a break from them maybe good. 

    Try to remember the good times with Anne. It is obvious how much you loved her.

    Keep going.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi all I always have a total meltdown when going to crematorium to see my wife's memorial they are now closed for civic 19 I still find Saturday and Sunday very challenging and don't know how to get round that  taking the dogs for a walk in in tears allows we both used totals them  it's been 9months now most of the time I'm ok,ish does anyone else have this problem on weekends 

  • FormerMember

    morning Geoff I'm sure your friend s wife is just worried about all this covid virus and doesn't mean any harm to you . we are all struggling even more with these restrictions on top of everything we are trying to cope with since our worlds were torn apart I hope today is brighter for you Geoff please take care . Happy thoughts .

  • Hi Ian ( Newb ). I totally agree with you most of the time during the week I am ok ish . But weekends for some reason are very hard. , I am always glad when Sunday night comes around so I can go to bed an d think that’s another weekend done. 
    I like you are just over 9 months into this shit journey. , even though it is getting a bit easier, the pain , loneliness and emptiness in this life just doesn’t seem to go away. 
    Take care all. 

    Love you always Winnie xx