A total meltdown out of the blue

  • 13 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Dear all, I going to ramble so please bare with me. 

Pushing nearly eight months after losing Anne and recently doing so well I've been tipped over the edge and no one is to blame. My friends over the road have been self isolating like me yet  I'm still invited  over three times a week to have a few beers with my mate whilst his wife welcomes it because my mate loves company. I'm also invited to eat with them. Lovely empathic peopleHeart decoration We've done this  since shortly  after Anne passed and prior to the Corona Virus pandemic because they are caring loving people.  But in the last few weeks I been  feeling uncomfortable. My friends wife who seems to know every time I leave the house has  been giving  me the 3rd degree. Where have I been?  Did I talk to anyone? Have I kept 2metres apart from others? Did I wash my hands? And veiled threats that if she finds out I'm breaking the rules I won't be invited over again. I only go out to give the car a run to keep the battery charged or to get money from the bank cash machine which I need for certain things. I spray everything with antiseptic and even go over there smelling of it but it doesn't seem to compute. I think I've become the whipping boy because of her paranoid anxiety about my mate who is medically vulnerable to COVID- 19. So my nerves are now on edge. So this Wednesday Im going to say to her I think its in our best interest I no longer visit. Having come to this decision I had a complete emotional  melt down tonight and totally out of the blue. I had flash backs of Anne's death. I saw her take her last breath. I'm feeling guilty how controlled I was at the time. Giving her a kiss on  the cheek. But I didn't even take her hand afterwards although she passed just after I told her I loved her and she'd been the perfect wife and mum and how the kids loved her to bits. She seemed to wait till they weren't there to pass with me alone and had a smile on her sweet face.Yet guilt !  Then memories and emotions hit me concerning my mum's mental illness.The premature  death of my dad as a result of it. Seeing him too taking his last breath. And then visiting and trying to care for my mum whilst she was verbally and abusive towards my dead  dad. Reiterating my dad wasnt my biological father. Dad knew of her war time affair but forgave her. Mum was a lovely woman till she went insane and no meds could help her. Just valium that made her turn to drink. Then me  dealing with her death and funeral. All the time throughout ALL THESE TRAUMAS  I kept my police head on and dealt with the whole lot. I had no choice. I was alone. Now all of this has for the first time  kicked me in the stomach emotionally. My kids can't visit me. Daughter works for the NHS and son who has anxiety problems is self isolating. So once  again I'll be  dealing with all this life shit on my own. My antidepressant meds now hardly touch the problem. I've had just enough of it all now. SORRY. 


  • Dear All 

    Thanks for all your heart felt posts. I don't know what I'd do without this site. You've all in your own way given me food for thought about where I'm going with this. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff

    it doesn’t take much to knock us we are so fragile at the moment, even when we feel we are having a good day.

    Sounds like your neighbours wife is terrified like many of us are, for me, and many of us we go through irrational thoughts in grieving where we worry about loosing other loved ones and this virus has made those irrational thoughts somehow rational, if that makes sense.

    I think your doing right by not going to your neighbours in person until we have a bit more control over the situation.

    maybe a phone call to your friend a few times a week could work? Will do you both good?

    I think I might of offended my neighbour also the other day, I was walking back from shopping for essential items when he pulled over to offer me a lift, I declined as I felt safer walking. 
    I had my routine set out, antibacterial wipes in bag, gloves on and a scarf around my mouth and nose, dettol spray outside to spray the bottom of my shoes on my return.

    i think everyone is OTT at the moment and I feel like I have to go through these rituals to keep my anxiety levels manageable. It took me a week to have the courage to go to the shops, I was doing without milk then I run out of bread and butter so had to go out.

    take care my friend

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Hi Ebony

    Your post was very thought provoking hon. Thank you. I truly understand where you are coming from my friend. I'm sure we will all sort this out one way or another. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.