My Day

  • 42 replies
  • 29 subscribers

this says it all

I'm so so bored

i went outside and knocked on my own front door

then came back in

and said who is it.

Some's up how many people may fill

Mind you did give me a chuckle.

Take Care Ellie xx

  • Cats sleep a lot, it will be fine. When I’m working a long shift, I feed the cat (wet food) then top up bowl with dry food and bowl of water. Litter tray, toys and leave the radio on (he prefers radio X) lol likes a bit indie music 

    take care 

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Hi Martin. 

    Yes you can. I took on Ric's cat, she never went out but does like my enclosed garden now. I have another cat and she tends to stay in, will go out to the garden but is always close by. 

    We both got our cats from cats protection..they went out of their way for Ric 

    Worth a thought xxx

  • Hi 

    I lost my husband last September we had been married 35 years together 40 I too feel like my world has ended. In November my sons got me 2 kittens at first I thought I can look after myself at the moment let alone 2 kittens. 
    They have been a god send in the house something to care for and get up for each day. It’s nice to have someone moving in the house. Unfortunately one got ill and I had to have him put to sleep. I still have the other one and I am so happy to have her. When I come home to a empty house she’s waiting for me. 
    I like in a flat and she don’t go out a cat will help. 
    Good luck 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Alea

    My Day

    Never felt so loney . Its 12 weeks since my husband died , we had been married 44 years . I know I'm not the only one.

    Today I cleaned my windows pottered in the garden. I could hear families but I had no one to talk with.

    I try and think of others that are worse than me but i'ts hard. Not seeing family especially the grand children.

  • Hi 

    I feel lonely even when I’m surrounded by family. I don’t enjoy doing anything there is always a feeling of emptiness with me. Some days i wonder how I got this far without my husband he was my best friend soulmate my everything. 
    I try to think of others who are worse than me but I’m so grief stricken I can’t. I know I am very lucky to have good sons and some family around especially my grandkids. 
    Take care of yourself. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    This coronavirus is a

    Double Whammy to us all


  • Hi Martin

    just checking in to see how you are? With you having a cough and not being on here for a few days. Hope you are ok?

    take care

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • That is true Ebony, let us know you are ok Martin xxc

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi ebony 

    I’m fine I promise  will be back at work Wednesday sometimes just shut my self way  have not been sleeping very well for a few days  still thinking about the cat went for a walk to nite for twenty minutes  

    when you talk about music I like from 60s to 90s probably a power ballads remember them cds. Then I remember a song your name ebony and ivory  lol sorry 

    how have you been 

    take care Martin x

  • Hi Martin

    glad your ok and just having some time out.

    Great that your still thinking about a cat, I felt good when I gave my cat a home but actually it’s the other way round, he has brought so much into this house, so chilled and calm.

    aw lol, I have a confession to make, Ebony is not my real name, I was trying to think of a user name and a programme I was watching at the time there was a girl called Ebony in it!

    long story but had to change my name on here as had step family trolling my posts to try and find out information that dad didn’t want to discuss with them, they were being so negative when he wanted to be positive, wanted him to put things in order, make a will even before we knew what the plan was from hospital. Even told him if he donated his body to medical science it would save paying for a funeral! It upset him massively. I had asked advice on here on how to go about dealing with it and they spied on me. Told me what they said to dad had nothing to do with me and I wasn’t family. We had a terrible year with their behaviour, my poor husband didn’t have the strength for it.

    Anyway, I’m not hiding away no more, for a long time I felt unable to unload on here and had a few friends on here that I would message privately, as much as that was nice it wasn’t the same as being able to post at daft o clock in the morning when unable to sleep and get an instant reply, they took away my support network.

    So, I’m here and yes I’m grateful I can now openly post and my innermost feelings unloaded will not be told to my husband to add to his anguish like the family did to me.

    I went for a walk too tonight, it was lovely seeing everyone’s gardens coming on in the spring.

    take care

    Grief is the flip side of love