coping with grief during covid

  • 27 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello everyone

After loosing my wonderful husband on 19 January to secondary liver cancer - very quickly after diagnosis I tried really really hard to hold myself together, accepting all invitations out taking up new activities, anything and everything to try not to sink into total despair. Then wallop, coronavirus hits our lives and takes away all physical contact with others. I hate to admit it but I have had very dark moments thinking I may as well end my life now, I go for permitted walk, shop when needed, garden, do puzzles etc but can’t help thinking I could have coped so well with this social distancing if only I had my beloved by my side. Then I remembered the online community and read your posts, thoughts of suicide are not uncommon among those who have lost the love of their life, I am not alone. Reading your posts is so helpful - Thank you one and all, keep safe and we can get through this xxx

  • It’s not sad at all. You are trying ,and it’s not easy. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hi there,

    so glad you posted this as I am exactly the same. Still sat in bed crying as usually my weekend would be surrounded by children and grandchildren. Week 1 I was structured. Exercise, spring cleaning a room a day and then afternoon in the sun gardening and I amazed myself at what I got done. Today I have 0 plan hence sat here crying as Bob and I would sit and chat over a coffee.

    i know I will get a grip soon and decide what I’m going to do today but even all the cleaning and gardening feels worthless as no one is going to see it but stops me going mad I suppose. Life for me at the moment is desperately sad and lonely and how I will get through another 2 weeks is anyone’s guess. Really struggling today life is shit!

    sorry for the rant don’t want to bring anyone’s mood down.

    Sheila x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila 

    you keep ranting it’s fine  we all do it and are moods are the same as yours life is shit what ever you try doing keep in busy helps a bit 

    i sit here look at Diane pics tell her I love her and ask her to come home say good Nite say good morning then beg her to come and see me 

    so life is shit do your best to have a good day you can FaceTime your family later 

    have a good day 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    I lost my husband Christmas Day

    Feeling and doing the same as you.

    I watched a lady on tv this morning who had 2 severly handicapped daughters, respite has stopped.Struggling to cope.

    I koow were very sad and  lonely but I do think of others in worst situations. It helps a bit

    We try and be strong for one another


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila,just come across this forum and although i didnt lose my husband,Tony,to cancer he suffered a long cruel illness. he lost his fight on4/3/20.such a bad time planning his funeral etc with Covid 19 lockdown on top .i have two great sons,living closeby who have been my rocks during the past three weeks and before,i dont know how i would cope without them.Ican relate to your feeling LIFES SHIT at the moment, i wonder what ive done wrong to deserve this.Keep your chin up, surely it has to get better. Karen x

  • Thanks all for replying to everyone. Karen I'm truly sorry for your loss., Hanging on, I too saw the lady with the 2 handicapped children and felt humbled. We try and be thankful for small mercies and whatever glimpse of happiness or normality we have. I love the dawn chorus, the fresh growth of spring. It sometimes makes my heart lift xxx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Needing friends

    I think were singing from the same hymn book!

    About to do a bit of painting, trying to set myself a chore a day

    Take care
