coping with grief during covid

  • 27 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello everyone

After loosing my wonderful husband on 19 January to secondary liver cancer - very quickly after diagnosis I tried really really hard to hold myself together, accepting all invitations out taking up new activities, anything and everything to try not to sink into total despair. Then wallop, coronavirus hits our lives and takes away all physical contact with others. I hate to admit it but I have had very dark moments thinking I may as well end my life now, I go for permitted walk, shop when needed, garden, do puzzles etc but can’t help thinking I could have coped so well with this social distancing if only I had my beloved by my side. Then I remembered the online community and read your posts, thoughts of suicide are not uncommon among those who have lost the love of their life, I am not alone. Reading your posts is so helpful - Thank you one and all, keep safe and we can get through this xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    I agree totally with you. We are all feeling loney and scared. I try to think positive but its really hard.

    Lets try and hang on together


  • I made a mistake yesterday. Thought that as I would fill some time sorting my partners clothes. He only died 5 weeks ago. Far too soon and got completely caught out. I guess bumping into pain is all part of it, and realise I need to find other things that are not to do with all the paperwork and sorting out. But two weeks after the funeral everything seems very quiet and empty and the last year or two has been entirely taken up with cancer and caring, hard to switch that off.

  • I just can't stop crying last night and now this morning. Don't know how I can pull myself together for work xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi All,

    Is there anyone else out there totally on their own? I have a large family but can’t see any of them due to this social isolating. Can’t go out to work and some days don’t see anyone at all. My family call and face time but it’s human contact I need. I try and be structured and I garden, clean and run but I’m so lost and alone and we have not even done a week yet. I feel I might cry myself to death! I sit and cuddle Bobs ashes that’s how lonely I am.

    Im 59 and a very social person I can’t usually do 10 mins alone so this is a huge challenge for me. I can’t even see my elderly parents both in their 90’s

    Anyone got any ideas what I can do to keep myself from going mad. I miss Bob so very much and would be happy so socially distance with him!

    Sheila x

  • I went for a walk yesterday, in hope to see someone different and for a smile or a wave! Nothing! Only person who said hello was a disabled lad out for a walk with his mum! 

    I put the telly on to hear another voice! Talk to the cats! 

    I have never stayed home every day and it is driving me crackers! 

    I am lucky that I have work and the kids are around but I still feel.immense loneliness and I guess it is because the one person you want is not there. 

    My mum had a go at me last night. I phone her everyday to check on her but no one is as good as her neighbour and her children don't seem to be doing anything. We all live 20 miles away and simply are not allowed at the moment. That has really got to me. Bloody years won't stop. Perhaps I needed that cry! 

    Not sure that has given any decent suggestions Shelia but I get what you are saying.

    Love and hugs

    Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    Hi Nellie

    Very hard sorting clothes. I kept saying to myself they are material things.

    We have memories in our heads that will never go. No one can take them  away.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila

    i retired last May so no work, these were going to be our ‘golden years’. I am totally on my own and I too am normally very social person. I had lots of plans to occupy myself after my loss but all involved going out with other people and all cancelled. I play golf but that’s not allowed.  I live in a small close so no ‘passing traffic’ people or cars. I bought paint, puzzle books and jigsaws before the clamp down and go for a walk do gardening etc., but it’s the no contact that gets to you. Yes we can FaceTime etc but nothing compares to human contact. We all have no choice in this current situation and I know we could all get through this with ease if only we had our loved one by our side, Everyone’s stress levels are up at this time and I think ours are heightened coping with this on our own, but just remember we are all going through this together - we may be isolated but we are not alone. We will get through this and we will be able to give each other a hug, eventually. It is a huge huge challenge for all of us and I got through a box of tissues yesterday morning but I’m still here 

    Take care of yourself and I’m sending you a virtual hug

    Isabella 181

  • Hi Sheila it's about 10 months for me not as raw but still very painfull I don't think it ever goes away 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    So I face a new challenge now after being told today I am on furlough leave for upto 3 months. The last 6 months since my Angel Belle left us, work has been the only thing that has kept me sane. Now my weekend work finished last week and I cannot volunteer with any of the groups I usually do, not sure how my mind is gonna take the boredom.

  • Hi there, I don't know how we are going to manage it, but I try to remember when I broke my ankle 2018, and Ken was diagnosed. I wondered how I would ever get through that time as I was pretty immobile being a clumsy scared cat. I/we got through that time, though Ken lost his fight Christmas eve. Somehow, slowly you adapt to the new normal. I tried to find something to look forward to daily, a favourite program, a book, a warm bath. Filling around  this takes time, but although I've lost Ken I do have my mobility back, though that's not a swap I would have chosen. I'm going to try and look at every room and see what I can do to improve it, touching up paintwork etc. It's rubbish and I don't really want to do it, but I'm going to go crazy and spiral right down otherwise. Sorry its a lame post,  I'm just waffling, filling my time. It's sad x

    Love is eternal