just wanted to ramble

  • 35 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all, 

Bear with me. Am in a pensive mood. It's Thursday, the candle is lit and the flame is my company. I feel as if Gilles has gone for good, nothing I can interpret as a sign. Sometimes I feel that at 15 months, I should be doing better but when I read the posts of those who are 11 weeks, 6 months or 8 months on, I tell myself that it could be me.

I miss Gilles immensely. We never actually said good-bye. I was so much in denial or hoping so desperately for a recovery, that I didn't see the end coming, or didn't want to admit it. In the end, he slipped away in a coma. I know I'm repeating myself for those who've, unfortunately, been on the site for a while now. At first, not having said goodbye didn't bother me because I felt as though there hadn't been any need. There was a knowing, and that remains true, but I would have liked to be able to hold on to some parting words. He was not very expressive, so I can't even imagine what that could have been. So, it is what it is.

What else does life hold? I went to see a doctor this week and she asked me if I was particilarly stressed out at the moment. I told her I was grieving and out came the tears, instantaneous, like magic, kind of like Pavlov's dog. Mention anything remotely connected to his death and I cry. She said hat at 51 I was still young and it was up to me know if I wanted to live through the rest of life that remained. Question mark.

I was thinking today in the car that no matter what I try - meditation, looking and talking to pictures, holding on to his pillow - nothing will ever compensate for the loss. Nothing will ever capture his essence. 

We have all said at some point that a part of us died too and that we don't know who we are. Many of us, not all of us, were in our 20's when we met or got marrried to our partners or spouses. We were children, when you come to think of it. We were becoming, still being shaped and then found ourselves so deeply intertwined with another individual. We merged, in a way. Going back to that person before Gilles is impossible. I am, necessarily, partly him, partly me, plus what the illness and death  did to me. I did something really courageous this week (too long a story), stood up for myself like I've never done before. I fought for Gilles' life but I've never really tried too hard for me. Have always been a good litte girl not making waves, and certainly not at work. I would have liked to hear him say, "You did well."

I've kept you long enough. If you're still reading, thank you for your patience. I had no particular point I wanted to make, just needed to prattle. For some reason, 15 months feels like another milestone - it's a round figure.

Take care, everyone, in these strange times.

  • Hi Martin. I didn’t have any ham. But I do have dairy milk for the middle of the night. Sometimes I even have a marmalade sandwich. Hope you sleep well .


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi All,

    Just watched Boris’s statement and as I now live alone and work from home I will now not see anyone for 3 weeks apart from when I go out and get my shopping and when you are already sad and vulnerable this will not help my mental state I might actually go mad not seeing my parent, children and grandchildren. I’m gutted. I also know it has to happen but couldn’t come at a worse time for me and many of you. Timing couldn’t be worse. I just need a cuddle from my family. I wish my family still lived at home with me then at least I would have some company.


  • Sending you a big hug

    We will have to message on here more, ring friends and family and all take care. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila 

    my work will expect me to turn up  until they tell me otherwise  I will go mad stuck in doors got painting to do not rally in the mood tho  not sure what do will go to work tomorrow see what they say  

    you have all of on here to chat too like I did last nite and it helps 

    take care 

    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Everyone

    Well i got my letter vulnerable, you have to stay in for 12 week's i am already cracking up been stuck in for last five months, never mind by time i get released can look forward to Christmas.

    Take Care Elliexx

  • Ellie, I'm so sorry you're going to have to go through this. It will be difficult for everyone on this site as we all know our mental health suffers when we are stuck in alone for long periods of time, mine definitely does.

    I work in retail so fortunately will still be going to work. In fact I start in the Pharmacy tomorrow.

    Very strange times indeed. Take care everyone, stay safe.

    Love and hugs. Ali

  • Hi All,

    I spoke to my manager yesterday and didn't really get anywhere! I feel that I am going to be put at huge risk! 

    No letter has arrived to say I am at risk so obviously not s big enough risk!

    My son is thinking of everything he can to reduce our risks and to help financially if necessary. So we have plans..

    I won't be able to scatter Ric as planned. I can't finish my garden either now! 

    I don't even know what I am.eorking next week let alone where for the rest of the week! They have our phone numbers Ito make changes! I am rubbish at being tied to the house! I can't remember ever doing that. 

    Lying in bed on my day off with tears in my eyes. My back aches which usually makes me get up! Had enough for now! Not sure how I am going to deal with work. Wish Ric was here to moan to! 

    Stay safe everyone

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ellie 

    I don’t know how you do it you are so strong willed. and you keep going 

    take care 

    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi All,

    I posted before asking for suggestions what to do with my Bob's ashes as I didn't feel I wanted them at home and a lot of you were kind enough to tell me you got comfort from having them at home. Well today driving back from doing a weekly shop (Which I can assure you was essential as I and precisely 0 in my cupboards) the sun was shining and I just got a feeling that I needed my Bob home with me. I immediately phone Co Op funeral care and James my lovely friend who organised everything for me said he would get Bob ready for me to collect.

    While I was waiting I decided to do some gardening as My Bob kept the garden prestigne and I feel I need to try and keep it to his standard even though I have never gardened in my life before. I was on my hands and Knees and two white feathers dropped in front of me so I took it as a sign Bob was proud of me and my new found gardening skills.

    I Picked him up but nothing prepared me for the overwhelming second round of grief that hit me. I took him into the sunny back garden by the fish pond and sat in the sun cradling him like a baby clutched to my chest and I sobbed like I've not sobbed since he died. Ive cried a lot but not full shoulder shrugging sobs. He was home and in his beautiful garden and it felt right as I've no idea when I can scatter him with all of the family due to current situation. I finally stopped crying and just felt a kind of peace.

    I then went out for my 8 mile run in the early evening sun and while I was running a little robin came and sat on a branch close to me along the canal tow path and sang to me so now I knew he was happy to be home.

    He is currently sitting on the coffee table in the lounge and I will take him up and he will reside next to me in our Bedroom until the time comes when I can scatter him to the wind.

    I've even done some meal planning for rest of the week and never purchased any junk food as I would like to emerge from these 3 weeks fit and heathy and not like a weeble. I keep telling myself to treat it as a kind of Retreat of silence to clear my mind of distractions - well I tell myself that but I know i'm already missing my children and grandchildren like mad and just great big hugs, kisses and cuddles.

    I hope you are all trying to remain strong in these exceptional circumstances that are not helping us sad grieving people.

    Sheila x  

  • Hi Sheila,

    As Strange as this may sound, I'm happy for you. Happy that you made the decision to bring your Bob home and that you received those signs. I know exactly how you felt. I, too, clutched Gilles' ashes to my chest, held him like a baby, before burying him. You're doing weell - gardening, planning meals, etc. It's all good, all achievements. Keep going. Let Bob's 'homecoming' be a consolation for the hugs you can't get at the moment.

    Thinking of you.