just wanted to ramble

  • 35 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all, 

Bear with me. Am in a pensive mood. It's Thursday, the candle is lit and the flame is my company. I feel as if Gilles has gone for good, nothing I can interpret as a sign. Sometimes I feel that at 15 months, I should be doing better but when I read the posts of those who are 11 weeks, 6 months or 8 months on, I tell myself that it could be me.

I miss Gilles immensely. We never actually said good-bye. I was so much in denial or hoping so desperately for a recovery, that I didn't see the end coming, or didn't want to admit it. In the end, he slipped away in a coma. I know I'm repeating myself for those who've, unfortunately, been on the site for a while now. At first, not having said goodbye didn't bother me because I felt as though there hadn't been any need. There was a knowing, and that remains true, but I would have liked to be able to hold on to some parting words. He was not very expressive, so I can't even imagine what that could have been. So, it is what it is.

What else does life hold? I went to see a doctor this week and she asked me if I was particilarly stressed out at the moment. I told her I was grieving and out came the tears, instantaneous, like magic, kind of like Pavlov's dog. Mention anything remotely connected to his death and I cry. She said hat at 51 I was still young and it was up to me know if I wanted to live through the rest of life that remained. Question mark.

I was thinking today in the car that no matter what I try - meditation, looking and talking to pictures, holding on to his pillow - nothing will ever compensate for the loss. Nothing will ever capture his essence. 

We have all said at some point that a part of us died too and that we don't know who we are. Many of us, not all of us, were in our 20's when we met or got marrried to our partners or spouses. We were children, when you come to think of it. We were becoming, still being shaped and then found ourselves so deeply intertwined with another individual. We merged, in a way. Going back to that person before Gilles is impossible. I am, necessarily, partly him, partly me, plus what the illness and death  did to me. I did something really courageous this week (too long a story), stood up for myself like I've never done before. I fought for Gilles' life but I've never really tried too hard for me. Have always been a good litte girl not making waves, and certainly not at work. I would have liked to hear him say, "You did well."

I've kept you long enough. If you're still reading, thank you for your patience. I had no particular point I wanted to make, just needed to prattle. For some reason, 15 months feels like another milestone - it's a round figure.

Take care, everyone, in these strange times.

  • Hi Martin,

    I hope tomorrow is better! I went with my daughter so she could get her piercing done! Not a lover of them but life is too short to get up tight as a mum when they are good kids and well behaved and caring. It does look quite nice even if I am too old! Lol

    I got a bit of shopping, it is a good job there is chocolate left, at least it perks us up! No loo roll though! Lol.

    I got out in the garden all afternoon. Had a nice bit of fresh air which did me good. I have planted a few plants and tidied up. Will have to wait for the arbour as my dad is isolating. But it looks better.

    My son bought and cooked our evening meal which made a nice change.

    I have the telly on but I have watched a whole programme and couldn't tell you a thing about it!! 

    Have a good nights sleep.

    Love and hugs to all

    Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison 

    you have a good  day  when will all have to lock are selfs away for two weeks that will be worse for me  Sleep one of my problems did not sleep much last nite kept waking up   I watch a bit of tv or listen to lol  

    the chocolate I would like to give it up  not toilet paper issue still  it will like the war soon rationing lol one of every thing stop the idiots in the shops  glad you had a good dey 

    will try to go to bed soon nite 

    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all 

    it’s Sunday nite  tried to keep busy housework washing  cooked shepherds pie for dinner text my children they in Aberdeenshire I live in  Hertfordshire  my daughter said she needs to self isolate just in case she catches it that  made  me laugh  

    I hate life  sometimes I don’t think it is worth  keep plodding along the pain  loneliness emptiness the longing get to much then I beg beg a bit more look at the pictures just want Diane home again  life is shit and everybody tell you it will take time and I just want my life back how it was how do you keep going on 

    Martin x

  • Hi Martin. I haven’t been on here for a few weeks but have been reading all your posts. I am very sorry for the loss of your wife. It is the worst thing that can happen to us. I lost my wife in July even though it is 8 months ago the pain is still immense. My Sunday was just like yours housework ironing chips and fried egg for dinner. Also had a good cry this morning looking at Winnie’s photo. We were married for 43 years and now living this empty lonely life like you say is shit. All our futures have been taken away . To me it is not living it’s just existing from one day to the next. You asked how do we keep going on. I really don’t know, to me it seems like I am in a waiting room waiting for my turn so I can be United with my darling wife again. Sorry Martin this won’t help you very much , but it is just how I feel. 
    hope you have a better day tomorrow. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Martin,

    You keep going because your Diane would want you to! she would be proud that you have made a shepherds pie and I’m impressed.

    i have been kept busy with my 5 grandchildren but I so want a hug and we are having a no hugging family policy which is killing me as we are a very tactile family. I’m scared, lonely and sad despite being surrounded by a big family. When they all go home I’m alone and sad and I just want Bob back.

    how do we all get through this enforced isolation when we are already lonely. I think if I emerge I will be like a fat lazy slug as my main form of interaction and joy was the gym and even that has gone now 

    so like you Martin I feel the same as you do tonight?

    Sheila x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi mike 

    thankyou will I manage 8 months I don’t know I’ve had to ring the Samaritans a couple of times so the feeling of loneliness does not stop the just existing I hate too 

    I prefer ham egg and chips myself 

    Take care 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Everyone

    I am sorry a few of you have had a few down moment's.

    Well its day one of locking myself away, only 91 more to go, June 14th is release day hooray

    I look forward to that, have been out three ties this week and have come home so stressed and arguing with people was not worth it.

    Was at Tesco's on Friday only for a few essentials , well could not get any, bread milk potatoes and veg.

    So came home with a bunch of flower's 1 packet 10 chocolate Swiss roll's, two packets of hot cross bun's how the other half live, so exciting.

    Good for you Martin doing a shepherds pie  Diane would be proud.

    Its was nice today did the first cut of grass this year, was chuffed with my self. I bought two roses yesterday and planted them today one form me, Called With Love and it is White the other one is Red and called For a Special Dad.

    So today has been a good day, but tomorrow is another matter we will see.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Hi Martin,

    You are doing so well, cooking a shepherds pie.....I know I couldn't be bothered. My kids have tried to cheer me up today. I had a McDonalds breakfast with my daughter (yuk...made me feel awful all day LOL). She made me a banoffee tray bake and I think I've probably eaten half of it! Nothing else, really healthy!

    I've had lots of flowers and I've put a gebera out of one of the bouquets into the little vase by Mark's ashes because he really liked them. 

    But truthfully I just feel numb. We have to get through this Martin as we are still young and it would be awful to think that this is it.

    Hope you sleep ok. Love and hugs. Ali x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila 

    at least you had your family round I have two brothers and my mum live near me my mum is 89 can’t go see her because of virus but will help with shopping only talk to brother on phone they have their own family I think they get fed up with me too 

    went shopping all the biscuits were gone thought of you  no muffins Ali likes them  but I got some chocolate 

    why you self isolating suppose we are all ripping are selves apart because how we feel 

    can i keep going who knows people at work are scared to talk to me in case they say the wrong thing  I’m lonely tired and hate life got to go to bed soon see if I can sleep 

    take care

    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    Hi Ellie and Ali 

    glad you both had good days the evening are worse hope you brought loads of chocolate Ellie 

    Ali my bacon sandwich is easy 2mins 15sec in microwave just right  eat what you like I do got to cut out chocolate in middle of nite tho lol 

    I know I have to carry on you are right we are still young I’m just tired. Of plodding 

    nite take care 

    Martin x