Overwhelmed again

  • 94 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Woke this morning  having been dreaming that my husband and i were travelling to London but we were in different cars, i parked but then i could not find him. I had no phone signal to ring him. I think this was the worst that i have felt since he died on 12th January. Just when i think i am doing ok things like this dream happen and i just hate this. Lots of well meaning people advise keeping busy but when you do stop it just feel like running into a brick wall. Thank you for listening.

Wishing peace and comfort for all in this group. xxxxx    

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    Hi Ali 

    ive been untidy for weeks not me.really. I’ve got up had chocolate then porridge. Showered. Even had a shave that feels better 

    remember you and your son both hurting but you still have your children 

    got a list of jobs to do mite start it it today but just got lazy.  I’ve got to finish sorting my wife estate out   The pension company they don’t like giving you the money I’m in same situation 

    try and have a good day at work and be good to yourself  And we all need to stop eating chocolate I’ve been eating it in middle of nite too 

    martin x

  • Thanks Martin, 

    I know he is hurting too which is why I don't usually say anything. But today just got to me, all the mess, and now I have to do all the little jobs his dad did too so I am always tired.

    Yes we must stop eating chocolate. I am scared to weigh myself! I lost weight when Mark was ill, now I'm piling it on and really don't want to.

    Take care, hope you have a productive day and get a few jobs done. It's not being lazy, it's just hard to find the motivation when you are grieving and everything seems pointless.

    I'm off to walk dog now (Mark's job!) LOL.

    Ali x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55


    I decided to repaint the flat after Diane died did one room took me twice as long as usual you are right I’ve not very motivated at moment but I’m trying  that’s why I go off fishing on a Saturday I’m out of flat  

    I miss Marley and Ellie are two cocker spaniels because I use to walk them three times at the weekends but were rehomed  because I work long hours in week they went to good homes 

    and you are allowed to be angry as well   Enjoy the walk with your dog and chill  when you get home from work have a little nap  the tired feelings I know my oldest brother rings me every morning to make sure I get up to go to work  if not I would not get up  I have no motivation I just go to work and plod as we all say have a good day take care 

    Martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    so proud of myself this morning I put up a hook in my under stairs cupboard as fed up with bloody mop falling out when I open the door. Used command hook and up it went. Off to spin I went and returned to hang my mop all proud of myself. One hour later having a cuppa with my eldest son and almighty crash - bloody hook and mop on the floor - epic fail but I do think this would make my Bob laugh. I am trying but a way to go yet!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila,

    Thank you for making me laughBlushBlush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Haha good luck to you, it’s funny little things like that make you think of what your partner would have said, I was so proud of myself last week I cooked a proper dinner then I realised I boiled the steamer dry ruined everything, was upset at first then could just imagine my Jackie laughing at me and taking the Micky 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     Just messaged a friend saying I am eating such rubbish and junk....glad am not on my own...thought people lost weight in grief! 
    I totally relate to your comment about not being you....I feel the same.  Am walking around in a shell of a body ...nothing of me. Like you, I feel like I lost me when my love died....and I cannot believe I will ever have a life again.  It’s just a waiting game! 
    thanks for helping me


  • Well done Shelia on two accounts, half getting the hook right and at least giving it a go and two because you made me smile! Sort of thing I would do but I do give it a go! I need to put up some hooks to hang up Ric's cavalry sword, I best be careful or it will land on my head! 

    Yep, we all need to stop this chocolate craze! Lol. I am ashamed to say I did buy more this morning, and I only went in for cat litter! At least there was both on the shelf!

    I have managed a little ironing,mainly my uniforms, daughter's school uniform and sons work clothes and cooked a full roast but I feel shattered and my joints are hurting. I have a bit of a cold too. Feel poop! 

    Work tomorrow though but I have got into watching some good TV, something I recorded ages ago before Ric left me,! I am actually enjoying it. 

    Here's to a better and healthier week next week, fresh veg and fruit!!! Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi All,

    Have decided this Grieving is bad for our health, we are all eating far too much Junk and now I know the full meaning of "Comfort Eating"

    Perhaps from tomorrow if we all do one thing it is to try and cut down on this as I know that refined sugar is not good for our Mental health - I know this but continue to do it. My Bob would tell me off so perhaps I should try listening to him and my little step next week is to give up my bisucuit addiction.

    Like everyone on here I have lost "Me" but then this terrible disease has taken our loved one's and also in danger of taking us as well.

    Mind you i'm writing this while having a break from cleaning the house that no longer feels like home but at the same time is my safe place, got James Blunt playing full blast with tears streaming down my face. Messaged my daughter who told me she would be crying listening to him also without grieving so get what she means and this made me smile.

    Keep going everyone its so bloody hard but we are still here so what other option have we got. Our loved one's are not so perhaps we should live for them and take them on our onward journey with us.

    Sheila x