Positive achievements in our darkest journey

  • 41 replies
  • 29 subscribers

So let’s here things that you have achieved that you are struggling to do during our grieving period to perhaps spur someone else on during these darkest of days 

I managed to actually get outside and go for a run. Ok I had tears rolling down my cheeks but I did it!

Sheila x

  • Hiartim, we had a cocker spaniel, we had to put him to sleep a  week before Ken passed away. I feel lonely and my adult children are full of advice and I think I annoy them when I don't act on it. At least William won't nag me  too much, I hope, and  perhaps he'll be  supportive x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hi Pam I miss ares I you to walk them before work in when I got in before we would sit down and have dinner together  Ellie was Diane birthday present even at. Five she would still steal stuff socks she even opened all of the kitchen cupboards and empty them all Marley was just tennis ball mad    William will give you some company my children live in Scotland with my first wife the are grown up but are like kids still lol 

    Martin x

  • I must admit if it wasn’t for our cat keeping me company and giving me so much comfort and love I think I would feel so much worse.

    i have put one of my husbands rugby shirts in his bed and he sleeps so much better now. 

    much love

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ebony12

    Hi ebony 12 

    me and Diane use to go fishing together I still have one of her fleeces and I wear  it when I go fishing just comfort and she is with me 

    my family came round and cleared her cloths to make it better for 

    Martin x

  • Hi Martin,

    that’s lovely that you have Dianes fleece to wear.

    I totally get that it brings you comfort. I wear my husbands rugby top too (not the one in the cats bed lol)

    I am getting his dressing gown made into a teddy so I can snuggle into that when I go to bed. 

    We will all move forward taking our loved ones with us, no one knows how long that will be as everyone is different but we are all still here. 

    You are doing so well, I’ve been reading your posts and you are now shopping during the day instead of at night, your cooking etc. It’s all positive steps forwards.

    I have poor days too where I just want to shit the world out, but this is all normal and I know better days will come.

    It’s great that we all have this site to communicate with people going through grief together and supporting one another.

    much love

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ebony12

    Hi ebony 

    my cooking skills aren’t great I have burnt dinner a few times but I’m not going to keep eating takeaway I had one Friday and Saturday to lazy to cook 

    diane banned me from the washing machine because I turned everything pink one day  but have to use it now 

    The happy thoughts keep me going and laugh the site helps as well 

    martin x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Martin,

    I can't cook at all and I mean I burn water, it is a running joke in my house and Bob tried to teach me the basics when he was so ill but I still couldn't do it. I got a ready cooked chicken the other day and then proceeded to cook it for an hour and a half, well you can imagine the results, caused great hilarity with everyone. My Personal Trainer sends me home with a plated meal and then I live on ready meals but I have vowed to try and cook going forward. Not happened this week but I have tried to give up my packet of biscuits binge eating late at nights when I can't sleep and get very upset so I am trying and managed last 2 nights.

    It's all a big learning curve for us all tor try and do the jobs that we loved sharing with our loved one's to now being the only one to do them. Garden this year will be my biggest task to keep it up to Bob's standards and you are talking to someone who doesn't know a weed from a flower. Luckily my neighbours have taken on mowing the lawn as no idea how that lawn mower in the garage works.

    Keep going everyone and keep posting your achievements be they positive or negative. Makes me feel a bit better.



  • Hi Martin and Sheila

    OMG! The cooking thing Joy  I can cook but can't be bothered. By the time the meal is ready I'm sick of the sight and smell of it lol. I just dont know how my sweet departed lady ever did it for the 50yrs we were married. And her meals were for me  unbeatable.  So Im OK now with ready meals. Mostly Chinese or Indian.Except when I eat out at my good neighbours house or go out every Friday lunch time for fish and chips  with two other widower friends that live in my street. ( There are 6 of us in number along a two  hundred yard stretch of our  road Scream)  And NO! We don't want potential brides from abroad contacting us.LOLGrin The rest of the house keeping shit including the washing machine my darling taught me before she passed. Bless her soul. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to say that the last few months at work have been hard  I'm a Conservation Community Ranger at diploma level working under degree colleagues. I have had my confidence knocked on numerous occasions and my ability to manage sites come into question. This week I discussed this with a manager that I get on with and things seen to be getting back on track and proving I have the skills and knowledge. 

    Today I was asked to start a fire. The one thing I have always struggled with since my training 6 years ago and even been on courses to learn. Our fire kit was wet so had to scavenge for dry bits to start. After an hour and just getting it to start a boss started to put pressure on me so I asked my angel Belle to help me and it happened. Had a roaring fire all day burning green waste and old pallets and the boss who put me under pressure said to me"Your proud of that fire aren't you" and I replied " More than you know"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheila 

    I can boil a egg 4 1/2   Mins makes a nice boiled egg. I made a shepherds pie the other week following the instructions on the packet  have brought ready meals some have nice other yuk lol 

    Im still working out how Diane made my tea in flask for work taste nice mine does not lol 

    the binge eating in the middle of nite forget biscuits I found eating chocolate good too family size bar  you are right everything is a learning curve 

    martin x