
  • 37 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Like many of us sleep is an issue. Last night I had dropped off to sleep and woke suddenly and reached out for my husband who I thought I saw. Instantly I realised I was wrong and it was my mind playing tricks which was so frightening. I was in floods of tears and got little sleep. I so wish he was here to reassure me.

  • Hi all

    Ive posted something similar to this before,  but to repeat a little. My Anne visits most days.A tingle comes over my face like a cobweb and I find myself smiling.  I talk to her but only get a response if I relax and empty my mind. She too is grieving but in a different way to me. Her grieving is more philosophical if that makes sense to you. Soon she will go into her 'Life review'  and leave me for a while. After that Anne will be able to visit me again with more unsite as to our relationship and the role we both shared. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Thank you Geoff,

    I will lie in the evenings and try and clear my mind. If I’m struggling I do ask him to stand by my side and hold my hand and I do sense that he is there and I like to imagine he is in bed with me. I ask him to help me all the time as I’m not coping very well on my own I’m finding it all a bit overwhelming and the grief is so raw.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi geoff

    i took on board what u said, I lay in bed cuddling Bobs shirt as I always do cleared my mind and I felt him stroke my arm like you said felt like cobwebs it was lovely.

    can you explain what u mean by going into “life review” and will he leave me then and also will he come back. 
    it’s his birthday today and I’m heartbroken just like the day he left me. Sobbing and curled up in bed unable to function and it’s 6 weeks today since he died! He would not want me to be like this but I can’t seem to get myself together.


  • Hi Sheila sorry to butt in but try Phill Quinn YouTube life review it might help

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Ohh thank you Phil I’ll take a look and report back


  • Thanks Ian. You are quite right. Phil Quinn on You Tube explains the 'Life Review.' 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Dear Sheila 

    I'm so please you experienced the cob web affect of a visit. That must have been so gratifying. I'm a retired Met Police Officer and so I'm in no way gullible.Yet along with other profound things that have happened in the house  since my Anne's passing I just know that she visits using the cob web sign. As Ian said Phil Quinn on You Tube explains about the 'Life Review' as well as other information which ties up with my life times study of spiritual matters and Reiki Healing, Spiritual Healing. Take care of yourself Sheila.

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Again, like others sleep is an issue, 3am seems to be a time that we are all awake and remembering them that we have lost.

    I have three young children keeping bust during the day, but it is a night when I feel most lonely, not just because there is no longer any distraction, but it was the time I would talk with my wife about the day.

    It was only after my wife's death that I realized just how big my bed was and how deferning the silence is !

  • Hi Shelia,

    I am sorry you feel so down today. I had a terrible couple of days, a disagreement with the coroner's assistant set me crying for two days! Yesterday, I had to go into town, I complained at the coroner's office and now have a lovely female officer who was horrified at my treatment and had tears her eyes. That has helped! 

    So basically feeling a bit better and having said to Ric, can you help me? I walked past a jewellers and was drawn to a ring in the window. It was a lovers knot! It was only £20 and I bought it on impulse as a celebration of Ric's birthday on Sunday. I would have spent more on his present and it was like he told me to buy it! I will also bake him a cake! He loved the fact I always baked him and my children themed cakes for their birthday. He never had them as a child! So I am going to bake a smiley face this year as he would like us to be happy! 

    It is only 9 weeks tomorrow but I am going to celebrate his birthday because he loved them! 

    I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow. Big hugs xxx

  • I would love to feel my husband in some way but I haven't. I feel that it is because I made sure his spirit was free and that he is now out of pain and at peace. Xx