A strange change for two days ? What is happening to me?

  • 15 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello All,

During the past two days I've been tidying up and clearing out many  draws that contained stuff I didn't even know we had! My sweetheart - who I now call -  ' My little Squirrel Lady.' never seemed to throw anything away. Yet she clearly also forgot what she had! I found three packets of unopened sewing needles, yet so often in the past  I struggled to find one needle in the needle holder. Five wrist watches she had once warn throughout  the ages. Packets of saved foreign coins from countries we'd visited. There were duplicates of nearly everything. Packets of safety pins, needles, hooks and eyes and batteries of all sorts, Most see led and unopened. And much, much more. I even found a photo of Anne in black and white when I must have first met her. STRANGELY non of this upset me? And  memories were flooding back in droves of times gone by. Stuff I had completely forgotten about. YET still no upset?  I smiled a lot and kept repeating ' You little squirrel lady what have we got here then ? ' Anne passed about 10 weeks ago and it was only a short while ago I kept breaking down with grief Attacks ! And now I look back I don't know who I should be picturing. Anne when we first met? Anne in middle age? Or Anne when she was 71 and  laying in a hospital bed waiting to pass over? I suppose she is all of these pictures. All of these women. To stabilise my self I have a picture of my sweetheart on the mantle piece of Anne when she was about 30yrs. That's the one I've chosen to see her as. And the beautiful lady I will one day meet again when its my turn to pass. NOW-  having just typed this -  I'm in floods of tears again.  Just what is happening to me ? 

Love and Light


  • the happy memories are coming back.  Enjoy them,but you had been together for such a long time it is going to take forever.  I have been bereaved for over six years and there are still new memories coming through, either when I sit and think or I am asleep. They mostly always invoke a smile tinged with sadness.  It’s all part of the grieving process.  Take care Geoff xx

  • FormerMember

    Aww Geoff it’s good that while sorting through things it brings back good memories,I’ve be trying to do the same with Alans things,can’t believe the things he kept,in one drawer he had a small stack of receipts for when he bought his petrol,and I thought why?.Strange you mentioned the the picture of your wife Anne,I have just sorted through some photos and chosen one of myself and Alan when we were younger,to put in a frame to look at,that’s how I want to remember him.and yes I’m crying now,but I suppose it’s all part of coping.hope you have a decent weekend and manage to keep yourself busy,I find the  weekend is harder than during the week,don’t know why that is.regards Val....

  • I have all my wife's sprays and potions still on the shelf our suit and wedding dress are still in the plastic wrappers in the cupboard haven't got the courage to go through the photos yet

  • Hi Val 

    We seem to be going through the same process. Isn't that interesting ?  Let's hope things continue to move in a more comfortable way whilst keeping the loves of our lives close to our hearts.

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    I still have all Alans sprays and aftershave on the unit,I did take them off but just didn’t seem right so I put them back,plus I made a memory cushion using one of his shirts and I spray his aftershave on it,and it’s comforting to hug.keeps him with me.you will sort things when you are ready Newb.ive only just started.

    Best wishes Val....

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    I was going to try and sort some more things out tonight,thought it would keep me busy,but then came across a little keepsake I bought him years ago,didn’t even know he still had it,and that was it I have been in bits ever since.Not easy is it..


  • Hi Newb

    I've decided I'll never give or throw my Anne's clothes away. As long as they stay in her wardrobe I feel she is still a part of our house and my life. Same with our bedroom draws. I only had the one draw at the bottom  because that's all I needed  - and still do. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi again Val 

    I came across a birthday card Anne sent me last year. Included in her written greetings was this " I love you. You are my rock xxxxd.'  That triggered a grief attack. I don't know when or if I can ever read that card again. It hit me hard like an arrow into my very soul. I love that girl of mine so much. Now Im crying again. Perhaps writing down these memories and feelings to each other on our site is the best form of counselling? 

    Loveland Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff I so agree with you. I will never throw my Ron"s clothes away as I am like you I feel he is still part of our house which he loved so much.Some of my Grandsons have some of his sweatshirts and tops but he would have very pleased about that.  When I have to write any cards or letters I still put Carol and Ron and then I put my Angel in the sky. I know for a fact that he would love me putting that down. My family and friends like it as well. As long as I live I will never just put my name on any cards. Love and hugs. x Carol x

  • Hi Carol 

    You may have answered a dilemma I've yet to face this Christmas. ( Dreading it !)

    Do I just sign the cards with Geoff or Dad, as if I'm single again - which I don't consider I am. Or is there another way?  Your way seems a lovely tribute. I wonder if its possible to buy children's tiny stickers of Angels to place alongside or above our loved ones name? I know they do them in all sorts of shapes and themes like stars and in bright shiny colours. I'm going to the Pound Shop today so I'll see if I can find anything suitable. If push comes to shuv I could buy coloured stars and when stuck on the card a title ' My little star in the sky' 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.