Here comes the night

  • 24 replies
  • 27 subscribers

So another day over, was it Sunday. Now the night where the dark brings a different kind of loneliness. 

Am I trying to be poetic, yes. 

I wish there was a poet that can express my pain. 

I wish there was a music that could match my emotion. 

I wish my wife, my soulmate, my first date, 

Where here with me tonight. 

One more night. 

I hope my dreams will be of her, the truth is they seldom are.

But somtimes she comes when I'm asleep, so that's where I will wait, till wakefulness and reality will once again remind me, of the hell I find myself in. 

Sorry drunk person texting. 


  • Dear Rolf

    You don't have to apologise for being human my friend. Very often when I've had a tipple ( or more)  I'm in a better place to express my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The word ' depressant.' when applied to alcohol is very often misunderstood. Alcohol ' depresses'  a part of the brain that controls a persons inhibitions. That's why those who've had a drink become more talkative and expressive, -often more creative;   releasing the part of their  brain  that would normally inhibit this happening. Yes of course too much alcohol can cause behavioural problems but hey! nothing in life is perfect. If alcohol actually caused people to become depressed per se  they wouldn't drink it would they?

     You expressed yourself from the heart. For me you may have even revealed a part of your loving soul. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • I like your poem. 

    I wrote this one the other morning after a horrible sleepless night 

    ‘So farewell then, Sleep.

    It was nice knowing you during our all-too-brief affair between 10pm and 2.30 this morning.

    I hope we will meet again soon and spend a longer night together.’


    I’ve just joined this group. My husband died the day before yesterday. I’m still in shock and functioning on auto pilot. 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Hi occupation2 heal I am so sorry for your sad loss. You must still be in a state of shock a d confusion. My wife passed away 9 weeks ago , and am sorry to say it doesn’t gat any easier. Like everyone says just take one day, one hour at a time. 

    Ther is a good crowd on here , and you can say what you like , no one will judge you and you will get great support. 

     I was married for 43 years. Were you married for very long. 

    Try and get as much rest as you can. Again my hart goes out to you , and am very sorry.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi I'm sorry to hear your terrible news it is a hard road to be on keep posting on here it does help to know your not the only one going through this and also a good place to have a good rant 

  • Thank you Mike. We’d been married for 32 years, together 34. I’m sorry for your loss as well. One day at a time is good advice, as is what you say about resting. We must look after ourselves. I hope you are well supported and that people haven’t drifted away after the initial frenzy of activity post death has passed. Take care. 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Thank you. It does help to know other people are in the same position. 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to occupation2heal

    Hi Alison, 

    I am sorry to hear about your loss. You did the right decision to join this group, where you can express your feelings without being judged and also find comfort and support. There are always people here, who listen and reply. 

    Unfortunately things are unlikely to get any easier for us. I have lost my husband 8 weeks ago and i am still in a horrible shock. The tiers and melt downs hit any time. 

    I hope, you have family and friends to support you. 

    Sending you love and hugs

    Andrea x

  • Thanks Andrea, I’m so sorry for your loss too. I’m well supported and hope you are too x

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to occupation2heal

    Hi occupation2heal, So Sorry for your loss and you find yourself in this group,a group none of us want to be in.I started the long journey on this road one year and two weeks ago,We were married 52yrs,some people say it gets easier but I don’t think it’s does myself I think it’s just becomes a different way of living,Your mind and thoughts will be all over the place at the moment, glad to hear you have plenty of support, I’ve woke up this morning but can’t seem to get motivated feeling a bit lost myself.Take care of yourself  make sure you eat and drink even tho you might not want to.and this group is always here to listen and support,it’s helped me keep going,I’m not very good with words never really know what to say,Sending you kind thoughts...Val.x

  • Hi everyone has anyone driving home forgot and expected to see there loved one standing there I did tonight nearly got home before it kicked in no one was going to be there
