Anti depressants

  • 24 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all , My doctor put me on anti depressants yesterday, I have never taken tablets before. Has anyone any experience of these, and do they do any good.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Andrea 

    I know what you mean about the phone being 'dead'. Just coming up to 4 months since John died and I feel like people think I should be moving on, mostly they don't ask any more how it's going and some have avoided me since John died.  He was a lovely man but a very private person, and  very quiet, so most people didn't know him that well. Will probably go to church this morning but not getting much support there either. He came to church with me sometimes but he could take it or leave it. He wouldn't  have called himself a 'Christian' but in fact was a much nicer, kinder person than many I know who consider themselves to be Christians. You really find out who your friends are at a time like this don't you? Sadly I don't seem to have many and my son and daughter have made it pretty clear that they don't  want sad calls or messages from me.

    Sorry, feeling a bit sorry for myself today. I will as usual pull myself together and get on with the day, as we must.

    Anne x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     I’m so sorry you arMorning Andrea.

    thanks for the friends request and for the contact.

    I’ve woken up on a lovely sunny morning with our son chattering away and being lovely and all I want to do is hide and cry. I’m so miserable and finding it so hard. The feeling of isolation is frightening.

    im trying to do positive thinking, deep breathing, all the suggested things and it’s just not working.

    my family are in Ireland so I don’t have their support either. My mother does call frequently- she is the only one that does and I’m truly grateful for that, but I can’t talk openly to her about what I’m going through, we just weren’t brought up to show emotions.

    I’ve realised that people don’t really want to know. They don’t want to hear about your sadness. Or just the once and then that’s as much as they want to know.

    I must go. My son needs attention and the cat needs feeding.

    thank you for reaching out. I hope we can all help each other to somehow make our way through this pain and loneliness. I’m so sorry you have lost your husband too. We were together 25 years and married for 8 days before he died. 

    Take care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My last post got a bit messsd up at the start. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi Newb.

    thanks for your feedback.

    i think I need to try something. I can’t continue to function like this. I do what is necessary to feed and clothe our son but anything beyond that is such an effort. I can’t do this to him. It’s just not fair. He’s had so much to deal with without me letting him down.

    Hope you’re doing ok.

  • Thanks for your reply. The antidepressants I'm taking don't fully stop the greving  but I'm not crying all the time u still feel  sad but can make better choices than before I was all over the place

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    I think thats what I need - just to function better to be able to make decisions. I know the grief will always be there but it seems to be getting worse, not better and I have to get back to work (its been a year since I've worked) and build back a stable home for our son and for me.

  • I find I can function a bit better once all the kind words are out of the way work fills in time I still get bad days but it's only to be expected the only way is to try if they are not for you .you can always stop

  • Morning everyone. Thank you all so much for the replies on anti depressants, I hope they do some good as I am having a very tearful morning this morning. I have only been on them 3 days so probably haven’t kicked in yet . 

    Moondog it can’t do you any harm to try them , like Newb said you can always come off them if they don’t work, but they might give you that bit of extra energy to cope a bit better. That’s what I am hopping for. 

    Yes as time goes on people tend to get on with their own life and think we should be back to normal as well. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that and we are left alone to grieve it can be such a lonely and quite existence. 

    The one person we could all ways turn to and ask for help is no longer there. 

    Hope it gets better. Take care all. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Has anyone  on antidepressants  had bad days I keep getting flashbacks of my wife just before she passed she opened her eyes wide and then closed them  and passed I'm then in tears at work  does  anyone else  have that or am I cracking  up

  • Hi Newb. I am not on them that long, about 6 days. So it’s to soon to say. But I do think a lot about my wife’s last few minutes, I think it is only natural to think about that until you can think about the good memories and they take over the bad ones. HOPEFULLY.


    Love you always Winnie xx