Anti depressants

  • 24 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all , My doctor put me on anti depressants yesterday, I have never taken tablets before. Has anyone any experience of these, and do they do any good.



  • Hi Mike I'm on antidepressants I do sleep at night with the ones I'm on and seem to work to a fashion

  • Thanks Newb I’ll give them a try and hopefully they will do some good. 

    How are things with you otherwise. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Good days and bad days Mike bad day today as I went to see my wife's ashes they were spread with her mother's and I had a bird box with a message on it put up first time if seeing it 

  • That must have been nice to see it but also quite hard , I can imagine you were quite emotional. It doesn’t seem to get any easier does it .

    hope you have a good day tomorrow.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • I've been on antidepressants for many years before my husband died. Things obviously much worse and so have tried a couple of different ones since. Just started a new one last week. 

    Hope they help.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi Wildcat thanks for replying. . I hope the new one works for you . Anything to make life a bit easier. 

    Take care. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mike. It's good that you are trying something to get you through for now and that you are taking positive steps to help you cope.

    I've a friend suggest I do the same and to see it as a mental support to help to try and bridge me to a better place and help make more positive decisions as I'm so hesitant to go down this route.. I need my brain to function and I'm trying various non drug methods (meditation, yoga, exercising etc) but I'm really sinking low right now and I can't seem to get myself out so I might be paying a visit to the doctors soon. I need to function and to be mentally present for our son but I'm failing so miserably and I feel like I'm confusing and neglecting him. He's had too much to deal with. He deserves and needs so much more than a shitty mother who can't cope. So maybe antidepressants are the best route for me too as I can't carry on like this. Our son needs more than what I'm managing to give. It's been a year since our nightmare began, it'll soon be a year since my husband died and I seem to be getting worse, not better. That's too long for a 5 year old. 

    Im droning on a bit, I know, but I think I'm trying to justify my need for antipressants to myself and to see it as a positive rather than a negative . It's so bloody hard not having the person I shared all my thoughts and concerns with to work this out. I feel so alone. I've tried reaching out to so many real people today but they were either busy or just didn't want to deal with my sadness or hear that I was struggling. I feel so abandoned and pushed aside by my husbands family. I know they are all grieving too but they all have a husband/wife to keep them company and to work through their grief with. I feel like my son and I are so insignificant to them all. They barely contact us, never drop by, have stopped invitingly us or including us in family events - we only live 15 mins from them. The people I thought would be our main support have abandoned us completely.

    ok, I need to stop. I had only intended to reply about the antidepressants and I've worked myself into a total mess but I just need to get it out as my chest feels like it's going to burst.

  • Hi moondog  I take antidepressants at the moment they seem to help with my sleep and also take the edge off the pain so might be worth a try just to see if they work for you if not you can always come  off them again so nothing lost

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good morning Moondog, 

    I am sorry to hear what you and your son have gone through. I feel for you. Me and my husband didn't have children, but I feel same about his family, who has also abandoned me. My family lives far away. Only got a few friends here, but as you say, they live their own lives they arr too busy with their own. My phone is 'dead'. No phone calls, nor messages asking 'How are you?' 

    This forum is the only place, where we can talk. 

    I have sent you a friendship request.

    I hope, it will get easier you. 

    Sending you hugs


  • Hi Mike 

    I've been on antipressents for over 20yrs now for clinical depression and acute anxiety. They are called Citalopram just one of many types called SSRI's. It all kicked in as a result of my dad's passing,  work pressure in the police,  plus a genetic predisposition passed down through my mother's genes. They definitely are helping me to cope with the loss of my darling wife Anne. Even so, grief is a natural part of losing some one we love and treasure. Its not a mental illness as such. Yet taking  antidepressents will take the sting out of the tale  as they have with me. Allow 7-10 days for them to fully work.  I'm sure you will benefit my friend.

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.