depressed and tearful

  • 37 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Well wide awake as usual,and feeling quite weepy,I was fine until I was just saying night night to Alan’s picture as I always do,then I realised it will be a year in 15 days since I lost him,How it can be that long since I heard his voice and held his hand.this is unbearable the loneliness is unbelievable and the house is just so quiet,just don’t know what to do with myself,Don’t even like going out on my own as it seems to be couples everywhere and I feel jealous.Is that normal ?,Sorry for my post being so negative.I just want to scream and say life is not fair,Alan should be here,

  • I know how you feel about it and my simpathy goes out to you I also feel that way about it to it so hollow inside without then isn't it just knot's and pain hope you get a little sleep 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Well I managed a couple of hours sleep,now to get up and try and fill the day with something to do,got doctors appointment so that will keep me occupied for a while,How does everyone find things to do ?,that’s if they do.Hope you managed to get some sleep Newb.

  • I have sleeping tablets and depression tablets to so I sleep ok now also the injection I have every 3 months makes my fatigued to still  feel down but tablets do help I think

  • Hi Newb and Val. Glad you got some sleep after being awake most of the night. I also take sleeping pill . It gives me a few hours sleep . I only wish there was some kind of pill that helped us through the days as well. They just seem so endless.Take care. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Mike the days seem to drag on so and I have to fight back the tears all day it must be what hell is like I guess .hope you get a bit of sleep tonight

  • It’s the days I struggle with most. I gave up fighting back the tears, I just let them flow now. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • The days are long. Like you, I Don't know what to do with myself. People tell me to come over to their place but Don't actually commit and invite me a particular day. We're already stand out because of our grief, because of what happened and they Don't realize how humiliating  it can be to now invite ourselves over. Yesterday was the 8-month mark for me. Cried my heart out last night. How could life have any meaning when we're so lonely with nothing to do?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi Mike,The days just seem to go on and on,wish there was a magic pill to make things alright but unfortunately theirs not.Take care......Val.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to limbo

    Try so hard to keep busy but the days still seem endless,it’s the silence and knowing he is not going to be walking through the door asking for his cuppa,just stupid little things we took for granted,Yeah I know what you mean people say pop over and visit but don’t say when,so glad I joined this group as everyone is so kind and thoughtful and understands.Take care limbo......Regards Val.

  • Yes it the small things we miss ,cup of coffee ,holding hands just sitting watching tv and saying nothing. Someone said before “ I have no  one to do nothing with “ and that is so true. 


    Love you always Winnie xx