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     It’s just over ten months since I lost my wonderful husband Alan,but I seem to be struggling more now than the start of this horrible journey.Im waiting for a appointment for counselling but there is a 3month wait,I’m going to try and go to the drop in cafe tomorrow,it’s on twice a month.just hope my panic attacks don’t stop me,plus I have chronic pain syndrome.But I am going to try.Alan was my rock he helped me through my panic attacks he was always understanding and trying to do all this without him is so hard.I know we all are on the same journey trying to adjust to life without our husband/wives.but god it is so  unbearable.I got up this morning dressed to go out but still sat here,just feel lost in the town on my own.Sorry for rambling on but I know people on here will understand.hope people are having a better day than me......          Val xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mark. 

    Have you been aneamic before? Get it checked out. My husband was told he's anaemic a few month ago. Afterwords we found out it could have been an indication. I do not want to scare you but please get it checked out ASAP. Don't put up with it for another year. People don't become anaemic in one day. 

    I wish I knew more about signs of cancer before. I want people be aware of symptoms that seemingly look minor. 

    Please get it checked out. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi Anne, Mark

    I agree about the small things. Those little things bring two people close. 

    My husband used to make me hot chocolate in the evening when we were watching TV on the sofa and he was massaging my achy feet.. Not anymore. When he fell ill, his ankles swell due to disfunctional liver and  I was massaging his feet to improve the circulation. He said I am a perfect nurse. I would massage his feet for the rest of my life if he was still here with me. 


  • Hi Anne I have just read your last post. I am so sorry you’re son has canceled his trip. Children can be very selfish in someways and they probably don’t mean to be. My sons are quite supportive but if I am on the phone to one of them and I start crying they will say things like you will be ok you’ll get through it. They don’t realize how much pain and suffering we are going through. I know they have pain and suffering to but it is different and not as intense as ours. Hope you are ok. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Good night everyone 

    I hope we all get some sleep 

    Think of those lovely little things.... They used to do for us and we used to do for them


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Andrea 

    I've never had low iron levels in all the years of donating blood until now. I will go and have a blood test. Hopefully it's just due to the stress levelof ggrieving and not eating properly. Thanks for your concern duck.

    Take care. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Thanks Mike. My children can't cope with my grief and have both said they don't want 'sad' messages or phone calls. So when I do speak to them we have a pretty pointless conversation, 'you OK?'', yes fine..... Doesn't help at all but I do have a few friends I can talk to.

    Hope your weekend wasn't too bad. Here's to another week!

    Anne x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Thanks Mike. My children can't cope with my grief and have both said they don't want 'sad' messages or phone calls. So when I do speak to them we have a pretty pointless conversation, 'you OK?'', yes fine..... Doesn't help at all but I do have a few friends I can talk to.

    Hope your weekend wasn't too bad. Here's to another week!

    Anne x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Anne 

    I'm sure your son doesn't mean to upset you at this dreadful time. I'm surprised though, I wouldn't put a bit of overtime above supporting my late mother. Let's hope it is just a moment of thoughtlessness on your son's part, as you really need his support at this time. My heart goes out to you duck. 

  • Dear Anne 

    That must be so painful for you. What could I possibly say to ease your suffering? Answer is of course - Nothing. I've heard of this phenomenon before and I dont truly understand it. The nearest I can get to a reason is that people today just lead such a different life to those of an older generation. We seemed to have time for everything because in those time people worked to live.These days sadly people live to work. It's all been brought on by excessive competition in the work place, employees constantly having to prove themselves worthy to the boss in order to have their work contract renewed when it runs out. As such many of today's generation have lost the sympathetic touch, even to their family. The obsession to achieve, earn as much money as they can, and accumulate physical possessions has taken control of their minds.I only offer this as a possible reason for your children's lack  of empathy to your needs. Society has become hard hearted and I dont really know where this attitude will lead to next. 

    Bless. Geoff

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Anne 

    6 months in, I still make the effort to go and sit with my father in law and my sister in law . It does me and him good I'm sure, but he would never say it. If I didn't make the effort, they wouldn't come to visit me. It was no different before my wife died, it was always us doing the visiting. Supporting her dad after Jaynes mother passed. I try not to let it frustrate me, as its simply the way they are.