To soon

  • 31 replies
  • 30 subscribers

First of all, let me apologise if this is the wrong place to post this, however I just need to get this out.   

So the the love of thirty years passed away in my arms in November and I have been through every stage of grief, I could imagine and all the rest of the problems that come with losing a loved one, you know the ones I am sure.   I have no close friends having had my best friend with me for a life time and I live on a lovely but lonely sometimes Hebridean island. 

A couple of months  ago, I started talking to a friend  of a friend of a friend on line, just every day things, sharing photographs of the areas we live and yes some gentle flirting, made me feel a little alive again, but really nothing out of the ordinary.

a few weeks ago ,she mentioned she was going to visit a friend up in the highlands of Scotland. So last week, I jumped on the ferry and we met , talked, laughed, talked about Adele, whom she is very much alike, not in  looks , but in out look to life, kindness, humour, and a gentle smile. I not comparing and never would, she a lovely person in her own right. I held her and hand walked and talked. And for the first time, I smiled on the inside and not the outside that world sees.

And there is the problem. I have returned home and I feel like I have betrayed every memory and every feeling I have ever had , I feel like I did a few months after Adele left me. Lol I have to keep stopping typing this , to let the tears stop so I can see. 

So I have started to think up ways of distancing my self.

its to soon, yes, 

I am too  old, she is 50 and I am 61. Nothing like an old fool. But don,t want anyone to go through what we have been through, it’s feels like causing someone hurt and pain, just so I can get a few years of happiness again. It does not worry her at all. 

I live on Scottish island, she lives and works as a Nursing sister in the far South west of England. 

I know what Adele would say to me, “ Stop being and Ars* and live, I am not here”, she kept telling me that as she lay fading away in our bed and had her big sister tell me again a few weeks after she died. I had wondered why her big sister had come out with that so soon. But I don,t know if I could love that deeply again, I would like to, 

I don,t suppose there is an answer and I am very aware that I have just talked about my own feeling and not about my friend,s , those are very similar, but for the guilt  and doubts.  She just says a very Adele like thing, it’s me to decide without any outside pressure from anyone,  particularly her. And yes it is.

I think I have answered all my own questions writing and re writing the above, nothing like share in your most intimate thoughts and fears with strangers who have shared these things ,  to make you look back at your self.

I had two full days of feeling alive again, I think that will have to be my lot.

lol now I have spent a hour typing and retyping the above , I now sat with my finger on the post button and the delete button. But I share so you can see how pathetic and delusional  I can get.

one last thing , before you think it’s , me, me , me  I have said all these thing to my friend, she just smiles and holds my hand. 

  • Hi Lee,

    So lovely to hear from you.

    Happy for you that things are going well with Claire. I think that it is great that she moving with you in your grief. 

    You will probably always grieve for Adele but to hear you are making room for a different kind of happiness is encouraging.

    It is nice when you get to the stage when yiu feel your loved ones are looking down at you and laughing. I get those feelings too and like you say 're grieving, I still miss my husband very much 

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sandypops

    I totally agree with Sandra Leehabs. Losing our loved ones is the hardest journey ever and if you can find anything to help with that then it's a bonus. We are all told our loved ones wouldn't want us to suffer certainly not indefinitely so grasp and enjoy as best you can

    I lost my partner Nov 19 and the loneliness is overwhelming at times. I had never held with the term Soulmate until I met her. she was also a 'she'! something that was a huge shock to me but my goodness my love for her was extraordinary and she loved and made me feel so special. I truly believe she was a one off. 

    Like you Sandra I have family reasonable close but they cant fill that massive hole. They try and say all the right things but they just cant. I hate that first realisation as I wake up that another day without her. we where together 19 years and had so many plans. She was 10 years younger than me so this scenario was never on the cards. 

    I also feel that guilt if for a short time don't feel sad or as you said 'enjoy' something, smile, or god forbid laugh! but also hate the feeling of complete exhaustion from crying, dwelling on what ifs and general downness(not sure that's a word but certainly a feeling!!). As everyone going through this says.....its a horrendous rollercoaster

    Hope we all have a good day today 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just wanted to say this post hit a nerve with me. I've started to wonder if I will ever see my soulmate of 50 years again, my Daughter has been to a couple of mediums/spirituslists and they have told her things shes sure only she would know. Last night she was told Amanda wants to talk to me and has been trying to communicate. I'm a bit sceptical, but want to believe I will see her again. She was the only one for me in every possible way. We spent a lifetime together. I have no thoughts to look for anyone else I feel its futile to look for someone like her, she was just exactly the one for me. That's not to say it's not right for others but I just, dont think that way. 

    I found the post interesting and as some others I have no intention of looking for a new partner, and yes I still sometimes feel guilty if i enjoy myself.


  • Hi all again, just been crying my way through the posts, but in a good way .

    an up date, it’s now over a year since I first met Claire and that first spark has not gone, she still the same supportive friend that she was on that very first day.

    I had a strange dream, the other night, I don’t know if it’s Adele, pushing my dithering sole forwards , but I was walking with Claire in a dream and we walked past a smiling Adele, who beamed at use as we walk by. I think I just got a kick up the A*** by here.

    So after talking as we do, every night, Claire has applied for a Nursing sisters job on the island that I live on, so our lives take another step in to the unknown.

    I still have my days, and Claire leaves me to it, saying she is there if I need her.  

    I don’t come on here very often these days, but I should, it makes me humble. 

    take care all, live your lives as you feel is best for you.



  • I loved that phrase And for the first time, I smiled on the inside and not the outside that world sees. 

    That heartened me and hearing the story unfold has also heartened me. We sometimes meet other peoples rules about what they think we should be doing, and I wonder if this takes away from going with what feels ok or simply going with having mixed feelings. Please keep posting, I would like to hear the next episode. 

  • I just re read all these posts today ,it is two years today that Adele past away, I have had a day of the odd cry, who would not , Adele’s best friend was around this morning with flowers and we had a laugh and joke about the things she used to do and say.   A celebration of life. 
    I am happy to say now , that mine and Claire’s relationship has matured and she is moving from the south of England to my remote island ,as she loves it as much as I do.  New chapters, but the old ones are still there to look back over to laugh, cry and share

    Life is what you make of it and I so lucky to have had one filled with Adele and now one I hope filled with Claire.

    I hope and wish that you all find comfort in your own way, be it with fond memories or with new loves, live for the ones we have lost to soon.

    Love you Adele , thank you for sharing your life with me.

  • That is so nice, i wish you well, and this give's  other's hope.

    Ellie x

  • Heartmy heart is filled with so much happiness for you and Claire Heart my warmest wishes to you both Heart I hope Claire has some warm jumpers to bring to Bonnie Scotland Flag black x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Oh so nice to hear this - thank you for sharing it - 

  • Hi Lee,

    Great to hear from you again. I am also now approaching 2 years and doing okay. 

    So pleased to hear about you finding that different kind of happiness with Claire. Your update made me smile, so happy for you...

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie x