My Husband Died 5 weeks ago - HELP

  • 34 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I am new here. As above my husband died 5 weeks ago today aged 70 in a hospice after only 4 weeks of diagnosis and very short symptoms.

His funeral, which I planned to the last letter, was an extremely emotional day - not only for me and family but for friends and aquaintances - there was not a dry eye in the house.

My eyes have not been dry since - I sob and sob for my darling husband. I want him back - the house is so empty without him and I am empty too. I am inconsolable. I sob and sob to have lost my darling man. We'd been together 24 years with  hardly a day apart. He was my world, my rock, my friend, my confidant, my absolute everything.

What''s the point in going on? Everything we planned has crashed down around me and all happened at 100 miles an hour. I am 64 and will be going back to working full time in the new year as it will get me out of the house which we have so lovingly created and which does hold so many memories but sometimes I am so absolutely overwhelmed.

My heart is smashed to pieces. What now I ask myself. Thank you for reading this. Any help, tips, guidance, or whatever will be greatly appreciated.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for posting this. I lost my husband five weeks ago and I googled “loss of husband five weeks” after a bout of sobbing as bad as the day on which he died. I didn’t think this was normal but see now that it is which has actually made me feel a little better.  We were together for more than twenty six years and he was my everything. He still is. I know I will get through this as I’m doing as much as I can to keep busy, which helps, especially during lockdown but occasionally grief overtakes me and I just let it out. Today the heart-wrenching sobbing was more than I have cried in two weeks.  
    take care everyone and I hope that you are all coping. 

  • Hi Treas believe me you're absolutely 'normal' in your grieving process, I still sob after 46 weeks of losing Colin.  You will be busy for quite some time yet with official 'stuff' that only you can deal with but you will pat yourself on the back as you tick off the jobs one by one.  If you need to cry, cry - there will be people who won't 'get it' - they need to think themselves lucky they don't!!  X

    Take care and take time for yourself xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hello Treas.  My heart goes out to you.  It's just turned 15 months since I lost my partner.  I still get waves of sobbing although far less than I did at the beginning.  A wave seems to build up and then hit.  One thing that did help me, and might help you too hopefully, has been keeping a private journal.  For me, it's a place where I can write about my memories of him, pour out my feelings, write him letters etc.

    Take care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dunlin

    Thank you BootsyD and Dunlin.  I really appreciate the time taken in responding. 
