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Hi just a simple question DOES TIME HEAL or do we learn to live without. each day that passes is one day further down that road to becoming ourselfs again ,yes a different us but that special one is always in our thoughts with us in our love.they never go does time heal or are we getting better at coping .interested in your thought peter hugs all round.
  • FormerMember
    Hi peter, I think that we just learn coping mechanisms and adapt to living our lives without our loved ones. I do not believe that time heals because how can you heal such a devastating rift in your life? Love and angel hugs x x Patricia x x

  • FormerMember
    Hello Peter & Pat,

    I'm confused not sure about anyone else. Nearly had a week without tears - why?? Think it's more because so many changes are happening that I've just gone into automatic mode. Today been drifting into one job after another and have loads of Don's photographs scattered round and about because I am trying to get them into some kind of order, but came on here to see what was happening. Yet another change in routine - why is my computer still switched on? Only seem to be able to listen to music. Sorry not really making sense must be more tired than I thought, but it does mean I sleep. Just keep staying up longer because I hate going to bed.

    To answer your question Peter, time isn't healing it's making me realise that my life is nothing without Don. I can do anything I want now, but without my darling husband why bother? Sorry can't believe how my moods changed - think I will pack up photographs and try some ironing. Just as well I have bereavement group tomorrow and meet up with befriender on Wednesday - Still confused with feelings. Love to all. Donna

  • FormerMember
    Hello again,

    After last nights jumbled message, thought 'd better let you know, I'm back to normal - whatever that is, but feel so very tired. Needless to say ironing didn't get done but I did manage to have another go with photographs after I switched computer off and now they are all away until I can face them again. Usually don't bother posting when feeling down, because know you are also feeling that way as well, so it doesn't seem fair.

    Another week starts - here we go again. Love & hugs to all. Donna
  • FormerMember
    Donna I had a week with no tears but then this weekend they`re there waiting to come at any opportunity! Crazy!!

    Not sure if time heals, think like everyone says we just learn to get used to it??? Paul wanted me to carry on and be happy so that`s got to keep me going, and the children of course

    Helen xxx
  • FormerMember
    Donna, sometimes the time to post is when you are feeling 'down' because then you can get those feeling s down in print and throw them away. Others read them and realise that they are not going crazy feeling the way they do.
    I have not yet managed a day without tears although I have some days which are less 'teary' than others.
    I still find people telling me 'time heals'. Well they are not me and therefore cannot possibly know whether that statement will be true for me. I stand by my previous statement that for me time will not heal and that I will merely adjust to my new situation.
    Take care all. Love and angel hugs x x Patricia x x

  • FormerMember
  • FormerMember
    Hello Helen, Pat & Peter,

    I do agree with you all that sometimes just looking at someones post on here can make you not feel quite so alone with what is happening, but last night when I came on site to write how I was feeling, no words came and I ended up surrounded by photographs again, before forcing myself into bed.

    This morning was awful, step dauighter came to collect some keep sakes of her Dad which I'd taken couple of weeks to get ready and I thought would be special, because when we spoke she had no recollection of anything special. I should say that they had only met up recently after years apart, so I was also trying to respect my husband's wishes as well. Sadly not quite what she expected and asked about some other things - now how would she know they existed? I saw a side to her that my husband had warned me about and it hurts like crazy, so a very short friendship is ended. Such a pity death brings out the worst in some relations. Throughout I have tried to follow my husband's instructions and I already felt that everything I gave her was being disloyal to him. To me they still held far more memories than for her. Didn't even receive a thank you. I did feel he was at my side telling me I was doing the right things and saying "I told you what would happen".

    I will just be pleased when this weekend is over - it seems to be going on forever. I even hurt too much to cry. Donna

  • FormerMember
    I know death brings out the the worms and badness also the truth about some people. donna times like these for us are about getting through the day i will be thinking about you .for me just knowing i am not alone in all this is a big help.the hurt and lonliness we learn to cope .a great big hug just for you .x peter ps please try to cry it's a real big help
  • FormerMember
    Hi helen the childrens will get you through and real good friends so friend i'll be thinking of you .you will find the strength.hug peter
  • FormerMember
    Thanks Peter,

    If only tears would come when you want them! Find they pop up at most unexpected times when you would rather they didn't. Thanks for listening. Yesterday still hurts, but more from the horrible things she would have said on his death bed had she been allowed to go in and see him. I now know all her motives have been selfish whereas I thought she actually cared, now how sad is that? If I have read her right at all, which I probably haven't, she will be feeling more upset than me this morning, but bridges now closed for good which is a shame. Life is full of ups and downs and just too short for all of this. Still trying to pick myself up from it all. No Don to give me that much needed hug and cuddle.

    Hope you all have a reasonable weekend. Love to all. Donna
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