My lovely Mum died suddenly of pulmonary embolism - feeling alone and dreading funeral

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My Mum had stage 4 lung cancer and was having treatment. She was doing ok - the treatment was tough but she was still doing stuff, going out , basically living her life. Just over 2 weeks we had been for a family meal - she ate well and drank her favourite drink. My brother dropped her home, she collapsed and just died so suddenly. I didn’t get to say good-bye and only got to hold her hand after she had gone. She died of pulmonary embolism - I didn’t expect her to go that quickly or like that. I needed more time with her. I just can’t understand how this happened. The funeral is next week which I am dreading. I have no parents now - I just feel so alone. 

  • Hi ,

    My name is Matthew, and I work as part of Macmillan's Online Community Team.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely mum. I cannot imagine how unexpected and difficult losing her like that must be, and your feelings of shock and sadness are very understandable.

    I'm sure other members of the Online Community will be along to share their own thoughts and condolences with you soon, but in the meantime I just wanted to make sure you know that if you need to talk, our Information and Support Team are there to listen.

    You can get in touch with the by calling our Macmillan Support Line on freephone 0808 808 00 00. They're available from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, so please do reach out if you're struggling. Macmillan and the Online Community will be with you whenever you need us. Green heart

    All the best,
    Macmillan Online Community Team

  • i'm so sorry for your loss , myself lost my mum be 8 years in septemeber week before my sons 4th birthday 

    my mum was told she had irritable bowel they found a poly gave her open surgery and removed the polyp sadly it was cancerous , they didn't give her treatment as a precaution so there for it became a metastic cancer in liver and lungs , she only got 1yr 5 months

    through the full battle she never once felt sorry for herself it was her loved ones around her . i don't think i have even grieved for her but feel it may be happening now and really struggling.

    herr if you need a chat