Dreading funeral and feel left out of all the plans

  • 15 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Tell me if I am being over dramatic, but can't help getting upset over feeling left out of my dad's funeral arrangements as it is on Tuesday. 

I have two brothers and they are really close to my dad. They have been running around getting things sorted for my dad's funeral over the past two weeks alongside my mum. For example putting photo slideshows together and the order of service. They both have a part in the funeral and I felt upset that they didn't ask me whether I want to read anything. As I wanted them to ask me than me asking as it would mean more to me. They are both carrying my dad in aswell.  

At the dinner table my older brother asked my other brother what funny stories he can put in his eulogy. He never asked me and felt really awkward. I feel upset that I'm not going to have any part in the ceremony and people are going to think I'm not close to dad. Also that my brothers will get all the credit. I picked out two songs to be played however when people asked about the song choices he never said I made the suggestions.

I sometimes feel my brothers girlfriend has more involvement than me. All I want is to do something special for dad and feel left out with no support whilst my family is running around. Just feel so alone. 

I am also unsure about seeing dad tomorrow at the chapel of rest because I saw him when he passed and feel I can't go through it all again. Then if I say to my family I don't want to see him they will question it. 

I thought I was doing so well with my emotions and getting through everything. Then these negative emotions come out! Is it the grief making me feel sour about things aswell??

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    *hnite should read "ignore". 

    Please speak to them. Calmly, clearly. I bet their heads are a mess too. It's such an awful time for everyone. Don't imagine what they think, speak directly. Be proactive. X x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you

    I definitely think it's the grief talking which is why I hate it so much as i feel I'm in no control of my emotions.

    I did see my dad in the end as my brother wanted me to go and would be the last time as a family together.

    I did actually appreciate going to see him as he looked peaceful. Though was really sad to see him again. I did give him a letter with a few words from me and a lovely family photo so really happy I gave it to him in person.

    I feel stupid to have gone on about my family in such a way. I feel without them I would find everything so hard. I feel that I can get through it with my family by my side. 

    I'm still up because I can't sleep as it is my dad's funeral tomorrow in the afternoon. I don't know how I am going to be. 

    I feel so lucky to have a family like mine and can see why my brothers wanted everything organised and special for my dad's send off. 

  • Amylou85, I am so glad that you feel more connected to your family now, I suspect they never felt disconnected from you but grief can make us question everything. I know it completely turned my life upside down. Please don't feel stupid about your posts, no-one here thinks you are. xx I will be thinking of you and your family.

    You WILL get through today,  x

    As I once read - It is important to hold on to the knowledge that eventually your pain will ease.

  • thinking of you today




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