Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • A Walk in the Marshes

    A walk around Oare Marshes in Kent, Wildlife comments
  • NSCLC and Erlotinib (Tarceva)

    To exchange experiences about side effects and how others are dealing with them
  • lymphodema

    I think I have lymphedema can anybody advise me on this thanks angie
  • Cancer in a Campervan!!

    To keep a personal log of my journey through bowel rectal cancer treatment and as some of this time will be spent in my campervan, then I will also record how I/we my husband and I try to manage the predicted highs and lows of our parallel journeys.
  • Frustrated Waiting On Answers

    Newly Diagnosed with Lymphoma in and around my Thyroid.
  • My Mastectomy Journey...

    I am a BRCA1 carrier and this is my blog about my journey so far. My double mastectomy operation is scheduled for August 22nd. I have never done a blog before so this is my first time....
  • The next battle

    Multiple stem cell transplants to begin. 10 months after diagnosis medinastic germ cell tumour. Tumour removed after be chemotherapy & tip chemo stopped mid cycle due to lack of response after cancer reached lungs & liver.
  • March 12th 2014 The Storm

    This is the first piece of writing after diagnosis. I feel I need to put things down as part of my journey through this storm I'm facing.
  • My Dad

    a piece about my story about my Dad who died in March 2012 after fighting cancer for a long time. he had lung cancer as well as many other problems. this post explains how I felt after he died when I was 17.
  • Feel so alone and helpless

    My husband as terminal cancer and we have been told he only as 3 months if were lucky, i feel so alone even thou i've got family but i'm trying to stay strong for him and them .