Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Primarul liver cancer

    About primary liver cancer, Embolisation and transplant.
  • Relationship Problems

    Whilst having my chemo I met my former partner. I have moved house twice, had a flat that I rent out burned down, went to half pay. The relationship ended due to lack of physical activity and lack of emotion shown by me according to her, is this normal?
  • Kalerules

    Kale tales
  • Deliberate spontaneous remission of cancer.

    My 1st episode: stage 4 ovarian cancer with metastases to the uterus, cervix, bowel & both lungs. & type 2 D because of hi blood sugars. mid 1993. Drs said "nothing we can do for you". By mid 1994 more tests - no evidence of disease. How
  • Lung cancer

    Hello all, im new to this . Was diagnosed stage one lung cancer 3 days before xmas. Have managed to keep myself together and shoulder on. Still waiting for operation for removal of tumor. I'm finding that waiting is the hardest thing.
  • Heaven nose I'm miserable now!

    My sinus cancer blog
  • Her2 and ER+ Breast Cancer My Journey.

    I was diagnosed with Her2 and ER positive breast cancer. A/C chemo and Mastectomy. I am now on Paclitaxel Followed by Herceptin and Letrozole. Here is my journey from Diagnosis to treatment and surgery and Hair Loss with a dose of Covid-19 thrown in.
  • An Unexpected Journey

    Having recently completed a course of chemotherapy for non Hodgkin lymphoma, the blog takes the form of a journey from diagnosis, through treatment and into recovery.
  • The End

    My soulmate Julie died just over a year ago - on my 45th birthday - only a few weeks after being diagnosed with an appendix tumour.