Journey Start

1 minute read time.

just before Christmas 2020 my mole started itching, over christmas / early Jan a small pinhead pimple or bloodblister formed on the one side, withing two weeks it had doubled, 17th Feb saw my GP, he was concerend i was cancer so did an urgent referal to a dermatolagist.

After missing 3 calls finally i got my appontment Tuesday 2nd march, I sat down she looked at it measured it and said your Doctor was right, and proceded to fill in a form, i am now sitting here thinking my doctor gave me the cancer talk and i dismissed it threw it away like a piece of rubbish and now i am like wow....she carrys on talking to me but im not really taking it in, "Am i having it took out today?" "no" she said we will make an appointment now for you to come back in, but you need to go upstairs and have photos takenin half hour. I then said "Do i have cancer" "yes im afraid you do" came the answer,,, now its hit me, shit.   I go in the waiting room (luckily i knew one of the nurses) so we chatted about the kids and life,im glad she was there i think i would have cried in the waiting room. I now have my appointment so i go into the main corridor and phone Glen my partner,can  you come in please i got to go upstairs. I tell him i have cancer im booked in to have a biopsy in 2 weeks, we go home afetr the photos, 

Thursaday the 4th i am offer a cancellation for tommorrow i take it, its my Wide local extraction they are now testing to see if its contained in the mole, today is wednesday 10th march 2021 and i am awaiting paths to call me. My dermatolagist  said i will need more than one surgery,so i will keeps a diary of my journey. 

  • So it's Sunday 14 th March, last week was agonizing waiting for my results, every time my phone rang I jumped but Friday came and went with no results, my pain has more or less gone now but it's caused me to loose the feeling in my thumb and am having alot of pins and needles in my thumb and my hand if I use my arm loads, sleeping has been hard as I am having to lie on my back and prop my arm with a cushion or I get horrible pins and needles in my lower arm and hand this is all do to my hypersensitivity and Crps. My armpit was hurting Saturday night but it's hard to tell if it's my CRPS or something else.

    Today I feel down in the dumps no motivation and tired.. a movie and afternoon nap will be happening today. 

  • Hello. I'm just wondering how you are and if you're OK?