You've had a really bad afternoon haven't you?

  • Chemotherapy has started...I really have cancer..


    My first chemo session went well apart from having to have a sedative before because my BP was high. I have mastered being able to inject myself for five days, the first one it took me a good half hour to muster the courage. The first four days I was ok and carried on normally (well what is normal now) On the fifth the fatigue set in and the next day I could not get out of bed. I have never felt so low. My mouth was disgusting…

  • No Control


    I met my Oncologist last week after seeing my Breast Consultant. He seems a nice man. I am going to have a Portacath and I have signed a form to consent for a  wig company to get in touch. I really thought that as I was recovering from the wound infection there would be no chance of my chemo starting before Christmas............... I was stupid, he wants to get one in before.

    This week I have made an appointment to have…

  • Torture!!!


    Ended up back in hospital on the 6th with infection in wound where they took the lymph nodes. was still on antibiotics but had to have 4 x the dose intravenously. It took the Dr 4 attempts the get the venflon in my foot because my arms are out of bounds. I have never experienced pain like it I nearly crushed the bones in Robs hand and nearly bit a hole in the socks that I rolled up and put in my mouth! I guarded that…

  • A little Kiss......


    My other brother made a surprise visit today so we picked Mum up and went for a Sunday lunchtime drink in our favorite pub. The one Rob and I went to quite a lot before the big C happened. I was sat for quite a while before I realized the lady sitting nearby with her son and husband was bald. My thoughts went to cancer immediately and chemotherapy and hair loss, I am really frightened. I knew mum and brother had seen…

  • Wake me when it's over........


    Reclining in bed writing this. Returned from hospital yesterday following clearance of my left axillary nodes as a precaution because I did have cancer in that breast. Two types ductal and lobular. So now I have had bilateral mastectomy and axillary clearance right and left. Two operations in one month. Its good writing this blog because I get it all out and yet I still can't believe its me I am talking about. Other halfs…