Here I Go Again???

  • Procedure: Hysteroscopy. Patient: Batsh*t Crazy Lady!

    It's been a while since my last blog. I've now had some tests, including the one I was really dreading, the hysteroscopy.

    First of all I got a text from the GP to ask me to book an appointment to discuss results of my blood tests. I immediately went into total panic mode. My CA125 must be high, I've got ovarian cancer, I'm going to die, etc. My anxiety went into overdrive. When the doctor called I immediately…

  • Panic Setting In!

    I had my blood test Monday, haven't heard anything yet so I'm assuming that's good news or the doctor would have called me. I can't ring up for the results because that's tempting fate. This just sounds so stupid now I'm typing it out, but it's how I feel.

    I have a transvaginal ultrasound booked for Wednesday. I've had this before when I had a cyst on my ovary. Thing is they never found anything…

  • Here We Go Again???


    Sadly after a long break I am back to update my blog.

    I had breast cancer - lumpectomy, radiotherapy, Tamoxifen. I finished the Tamoxifen 9 months ago. Prior to my treatment for cancer I'd had a Mirena coil for nearly 5 years. Having to have that removed upset me greatly at the time, more than the cancer news. It's because it stopped my periods - Hallelujah!! I'd suffered with really heavy periods most of my life…

  • Mood Crashing On Down :(

    It's been a week  now since my op. I'd sort of been doing ok, but I feel so absolutely low now.

    I found out that the second day after my op my Mum had a fall at home and she got taken into hospital by ambulance (she was let out the next day). She made my brother promise not to tell me as she was concerned about worrying me when I was only just out of hospital myself. My brother lives at home with my Mum and is…

  • Day 2 after Op

    Hi. Well, I got through it of course, as we all have to do.

    I had to get to the hospital for 7.30am. I got to see the nurse first of all to get my lovely wrist bracelets and super stylish stockings and had blood pressure done. Then got to see the surgeon who I had not met before. The consultant I had seen when I got my results was on holiday. I had re-read my letter and he was not  on the breast units staff list, so when…