what a pain

  • lonely and tired


    Well, op on Thursday. Different surgeon Ms Karat, she's lovely and we had a good talk on what she thinks.

    I left her room feeling good, then I go home and feel so lonely. I have friends but who wants to talk about cancer, they have their own lifes with their own problems.

    then there's my dad. Hes 80 and cant talk to him. He just makes me angry. He told me not to bother with reconstruction surgery. Unfortunately…

  • Good news Friday


    MacMillan Nurse Catherine called my CT scan is clear, so go ahead for mastectomy, got to meet for photos.

    Had a sad thought thinking my breast will be incinerated. Had her for 42 years, now she's going to be no more, her jobs done, will be sad goodbye. but considering she's riddled with cancer, it will be bittersweet.

    saw my regular doc today, she's amazing. We discussed my mental health after the mastectomy…

  • shock and tears today


    Saw consultant today. MRI scan shows two 6cm tumors and several other clusters so cant save breast. He said mastectomy and expandable implant.

    How does a 3cm on an ultrasound turn into two 6cm tumors. I think that was the shock. Went on my own as had no one to come with me, and its not the place for my 12 and 14 year old.

    Its tough going, feel more alone then ever, few tears today.

    im 42 years old and now feel…

  • confused


    Never thought it was cancer, thought I was wasting the docs time. No one in my family ever had cancer. Just dimples made me get it checked.

    sent for mammogram and ultrasound still felt that I was wasting their time. Asked radiologist if it was a cyst, she said no, she said cancer. Omg I'm not a fraud after all. I wasn't going to get it checked.

    Have been a whirlwind ever since. More tests bone, ct and mri…