shock and tears today

1 minute read time.

Saw consultant today. MRI scan shows two 6cm tumors and several other clusters so cant save breast. He said mastectomy and expandable implant.

How does a 3cm on an ultrasound turn into two 6cm tumors. I think that was the shock. Went on my own as had no one to come with me, and its not the place for my 12 and 14 year old.

Its tough going, feel more alone then ever, few tears today.

im 42 years old and now feel, who will love me now. I know people are going through a lot worse than me, and I don't want to come across as selfish but its just too much at moment, ended a 8 year relationship last year, he phoned to tell me how great his life is, and my mum passed last year, which i still raw.

This was meant to be my year, my friend and I only joked about it a couple of months ago now I'm spending most of it in and out of appointments.

I know I will go with the flow, and do as they ask but I'm tired, I'm emotional and I don't think I have the strength. I have been a good person, so why?

  • FormerMember

    I am 43 and have an adult daughter and a 14 year old son. My breast cancer spread to my liver and bones so I am on very strong Chemo now. I have a partner and his first wife died of breast cancer so he's had to look after two of us. I know it's a lonely journey I too lost my Mum and My Aunt last year. Having this happen has changed everything for me. I am told I will need treatment for the rest of my life and when your on Chemo and your bones hurt and your mouth is swollen so bad you cannot eat, it's hard going knowing in order to see my Son become an adult I must pay this price. I did nothing to deserve this it just happened. Life chucks stuff like this at people why I don't know but if we get to the other side of it and it makes us stronger it would have been worth it. Stay strong take each day as it comes you are not alone.